
Whom does paul instruct to be sober grave and temperate

Question: Marriage and Family - Biblical Text Study Questions

Titus 2:

1. Whom does Paul instruct to be sober, grave, and temperate?

2. Whom does Paul instruct to be reverent in demeanor, not false accusers, and not given to much wine?

3. What reason does Paul give for the older members of the church to set an example of godly living?

4. What are young women to be trained to do to their husbands?

5. What are young women to be trained to do to their children?

6. Where are young women to be workers?

I Corinthians 6:

7. Who will not inherit the kingdom of God?

8. What is an extortioner?

9. In whose name had the Corinthian brethren been justified?

10. What does "expedient" mean?

11. The body was not created for what?

12. For what was the body created?

13. Who is for the body?

14. How will God also raise us up?

15. A Christian's body is the member of whom?

16. Of what does God forbid that the members of Christ become members?

17. He that is joined to a harlot is what?

18. What is he that is joined to the Lord?

19. What does Paul command to flee?

20. He that fornicates sins against what?

21. How is the body of a Christian described?

22. Who is in the Christian?

23. With what are Christians bought?

24. What are we to do in our body?

25. To whom does our body and spirit belong?

I Corinthians 7:

26. What is one purpose given for marriage?

27. Whose wife does every man need to have?

28. Whose husband does every woman need to have?

29. What is the husband to render to the wife?

30. What is the wife to render to the husband?

31. Who has power over the wife's body?

32. Who has power over the husband's body?

33. What is the Greek word for "power" in verse four and what is its meaning?

34. What is the command that Paul gives in verse five?

35. What is the exception to that command and under what conditions is it excepted?

36. What does incontinence mean?

37. What is the meaning of the statement in verse 9, "for it is better to marry than to burn?" Genesis 2

38. According to verse 18, what did God say was not good in His creation?

39. What is the meaning of the expression "help meet"?

40. What three commands are given in Genesis 2:24?


41. What will preserve one?

42. What three things does the "strange woman" do?

43. Into what are we not to enter?

44. Into what are we not to go?

45. To what are the lips of a strange woman compared?

46. What two instructions does Solomon give his son concerning a strange woman?

47. What four instructions does Solomon give husbands concerning their wives?

48. What is always before the eyes of the Lord?

49. What does Solomon instruct his son to bind continually on his heart and tie around his neck?

50. What part of her body will the evil woman use to seduce a man?

51. To what does a whorish woman bring a man?

52. What two actions does Solomon say will cause a man to be burned?

53. When do men not despise a thief?

54. What does an adulterer do to his soul?

55. What is the rage of a man?

56. What is a simple one?

57. How is the harlot characterized in 7:11?

58. What does the harlot do at every corner of the street?

59. What did the harlot do to the young man as soon as she caught him?

60. What room of her house did the harlot describe to the young man?

61. What invitation does the strange woman extend to the young man?

62. Who is the good man mentioned in 7:19?

63. Where has the good man gone?

64. What did he take with him?

65. What did the harlot use to get the young man to yield?

66. What three illustrations did Solomon use to describe the young man yielding to the harlot's persuasions?

67. What three-fold defense does Solomon give to overcome the temptations of the heart?

Ephesians 5:

68. What are wives commanded to do in verse 22?

69. How are wives to submit to their husbands?

70. What relationship to his wife is the husband assigned?

71. In what way is the husband to be the head of the wife?

72. How are wives to be subject to their own husbands

73. In what are wives to be subject to their own husbands?

74. What are husbands commanded to do in verse 25?

75. How are husbands to love their wives?

76. For what purpose did Christ give himself for the church?

77. How should men love their wives?

78. If a man loves his wife, what does that signify?

79. When a man and woman marry, what do they become?

80. What Greek word is used for "reverence" in verse 33, and what does it mean?

81. Where else and how is the same Greek word for reverence used in the New Testament?--v.33

I Peter 2 & 3:

82. What is the Greek word for "submit" (v.2 & 3) and "subjection" (3:1)?

83. How might unbelieving husbands be won to the Lord?

84. What kind of behavior might win the unbelieving husband to the Lord?

85. What is of great price in the sight of God?

86. What three things did holy women in the old time do?

87. Who obeyed Abraham?

88. What did Sarah call Abraham?

89. What did that custom (Sarah calling Abraham "lord") signify?

90. What three things are husbands commanded to do?

91. Who is described as the "weaker vessel"?

92. Who are described as "heirs together"?

93. What consequence is given if the husband does not dwell with his wife according to knowledge, giving her honor?

Colossians 3:

94. What are wives commanded to do?

95. What Greek word is used for "submit"?

96. In what manner is the wife to submit to her husband?

97. What two things are husbands commanded to do?

Revelation 2:

98. What did Christ have against the Church at Ephesus?

99. What three things does Christ command the church at Ephesus to do?

100. How could these commands to the church at Ephesus apply to a man/ woman relationship?

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