
Whom do you wish to persuade and to do what are you trying

Assignment: Argument/ Research Paper

Topic: Higher Education: Is it worth the price?

The goal is to practice academically oriented arguments and work with complex ideas by analyzing arguments from multiple sources of information. You will have to include opposition to your position and deal with that opposition respectfully. Consider why you might write such an argument. Here are some examples:

• Whom do you wish to persuade and to do what?

• If you argue in favor of for-profit schools as a path for disadvantaged students, are youtrying to convince fellow students to accept for-profit colleges or to transfer to one?

• Are you trying to convince a school board to provide funding for traditional community colleges?

• Are you trying to convince parents that forcing their children to go into a liberal arts program is unnecessary?

The more clearly you can see your argument, as having a real-life purpose and a specific audience, the stronger will be your case.

Selected Argument Topics: You must take a side while acknowledging the opposite side. Your argument needs to grow from one of these areas:

• Arguments of policy say, "We should ... "
• Arguments of value claim that one thing/ idea is better than another.
• Arguments of fact make claims about history, such as what really distracts students atschool or what really causes car accidents.

The thesis for this paper is your baseline statement of this argument's scope and purpose.

Research to find:

• Facts and statistics to give background to your topic
• Specific examples
• Credible quotes to support both sides of the argument


• "A New Course" by Magdalena Kay, which is found in Academic Search Premier. Thissource must be used in a meaningful way in your paper
• 1 source from ProQuest
• 2 other credible sources that further your argument



The English Department requires 5 to 6 pages (1600 to 1800 words) using proper MLA format,including a Works Cited page (not included in your word count).

• The paper's thesis must be arguable and the essay must build an argument to supportthe thesis
• The paper must engage with the common reading in more than a "touch and go"fashion
• The paper must be 5-6 pages in length (1600-1800 Words)
• The paper should use of 3-4 credible, college-level sources, including the common reading; students should be asked to adhere to this limit; they may use neither more norless than this number

Thesis and Focus

• Asserts a clear, sophisticated, arguable thesis that can be reasonably developed in 1500-1800 words
• Remains focused on the thesis throughout in an immediately recognizable way --meets the assigned topic and purpose

Reasoning and Support

• Thoroughly supports the thesis with a rich variety of evidence, using an appropriate and sophisticated argumentative strategy
• Significantly engages the assigned common reading
• Accurately and effectively summarizes, paraphrases, and quotes relevant source material and offers analysis of all source material --considers and convincingly responds to varying claims


• Presents a logical progression of ideas based on the thesis
• Maintains focus within each paragraph
• Uses a highly effective title, introduction, and conclusion
• Provides clear and directive topic sentences and sophisticated transitions within and between paragraphs
• Includes logical paragraph breaks


Thoroughly integrates source material

Integration and MLA Citation

• With varied and effective signal phrasing
• Frames source material with the student's own ideas
• Maintains strict ethical standards and avoids plagiarism through correct and precise paraphrasing, use of quotation marks, in-text citations and an MLA works cited page
• Uses direct quotes sparingly and to good effect

Voice & Style

• Effectively engages an academic audience
• Employs varied sentence structures for style and reader interest
• Exhibits a precise and sophisticated vocabulary

Conventions of Grammar, Mechanics, & Page Layout

• Does not display any serious patterns of error
• Maintains a consistent point of view and appropriate use of tense
• Contains very few mistakes with syntax, grammar, and punctuation, and none that interfere with meaning
• Correctly uses MLA standards for page layout.

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