
Whom credit card companies call dead beats how and why dead

1. watch a video "Credit Card Game" on PBS (link is below or you can google "PBS Credit Card Game" for alternative sources)

https://www.pbs.org/video/1342007771/2. Answer the following questions:

 - Whom credit card companies call "dead beats"? How and why "dead beats" use credit cards?

 - What are the two major sources of income for credit card companies?

 - Why did many credit card companies (and some banks) move their head-quarters to Dakota few years ago?

 - Why credit card companies allow people with large outstanding balances on their cards (few thousand dollars) to make only minimal monthly payments (25-35 dollars), instead of setting a higher payments so the balance can be paid out faster?

 - In your opinion, what are three key messages this video is sending to credit card users? (i.e., if you were to apply for a credit card, what are the three things you need to remember not to get in trouble with using credit money?)

3. Deadline will be Thursday, March 24th, 2pm (beginning of class). You can email me your answers or bring hard copy into class. Your responses have to be 1-2 pages (about 1-2 paragraphs per each question posted). Since this is not a formal term paper, I am not picky about the format. I.e., make it neat and organized (bullet points, numbering questions etc.), but you don't need to make title page, references etc. Keep it neat and simple.

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Business Management: Whom credit card companies call dead beats how and why dead
Reference No:- TGS01359698

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