Who you would identify as your prime competition


1. You want to own a single food store here in Portland. Tell us where you'd locate it, who your target customer would be, what kinds of products you would sell, and who you would identify as your prime competition. And, tell us what core innovation you would introduce in your store that would be a game-changer.

2. Talk about price and value. What should retail and CPG brands do to differentiate between the two?

4. Retailing has always been in a state of constant evolution and perhaps sometimes revolution. The emerging capabilities of advanced technology smart phones will continue to expand the way consumers perceive their shopping needs, learn about products and promotions, and make purchases. Has mobile technology changed your shopping? Explain? What major changes in how consumers shop do you see over the next five years? What do you believe the major implications will be for food retailers? For food manufactures/vendors?

5. In week three we talked about strategy and the kinds of decisions a firm makes in choosing it strategy. Your instructor showed a cascade of choices developed by the former CEO of P&G that underlie strategy development. Apply these strategy choices to Winco or New Seasons development of strategy. i.e.- Discuss these choices for a business and illustrate with examples from Winco or New Seasons.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: Who you would identify as your prime competition
Reference No:- TGS02104866

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