
Who would you tell about the concern


Scenario: Abdul

Abdul (18 months) has been attending the centre five days a week for the past 12 months. He is an only child. Attendance at the centre has recently been reduced to three days a week due to finances. Over the last two months, educators have noticed Abdul losing weight and he often comes to the centre without food. When given food he is quickly fills his cheeks and holds extra food in both hands. You have spoken to mum about Abdul's current health and concerns about his weight loss on four separate occasions. You have also asked if they would like to be linked with services that provide food and financial support. On all occasions mum has said "no we are fine we don't need anything".

Today you noticed that Abdul appeared to be wearing the same clothes he left the centre wearing two days ago. They were dirty and had an odour. When changing his soiled nappy, you noticed his faeces was dry and stuck to his bottom needing to be washed to remove. You also noticed nappy rash which was ulcerated and looked inflamed and sore. Abdul cried when educators touched it whilst changing his nappy. Abdul had dark circles around the eyes and appeared very lethargic and verbally and emotionally non-responsive to educators even when being washed. The educator in the 0-2 room called Abdul's name, he slowly looked at her but did not smile.

Abdul's family have recently entered Australia as Sudanese refugees after spending three years in a refugee camp. You have developed a good relationship with his family and are aware they have all experienced significant trauma.

You have expressed concerns about Abdul's health to his parents again last week however they have limited English and support in Australia. You are aware of their limited knowledge on child rearing (Parenting capacity) as Abdul is their first child and they have often expressed concerns in the past that they are "still learning".


1) How would you respond this scenario and disclosure? (Write down exactly what you would say and do)

2) Identify the communication and information-gathering techniques you have chosen to implement with this child in accordance with current recognised good practice.

3) Identify one child-focused work practice you would employ to uphold the rights of this child.

4) Identify the age-appropriate decision-making you would encourage where possible.

5) Identify the risk of harm indicators (signs and symptoms of risk of harm) in your state or territory displayed by this child (e.g. ROSH).

6) What is your duty of care to this child?

7) Who would you tell about this concern?

8) Who would you NOT tell about this concern?

9) Record an anecdotal record of incident discussed in the scenario. (Remember to focus on the child when recording the risk of harm concerns)

10) What ethical concerns may arise for you within this situation?

11) Who in your service would you seek support from in relation to dealing with ethical dilemmas?

12) Identify the ethical and nurturing practices you would employ when working with this child.

13) Identify two trauma-based care strategies you would implement as an educator within the service.

14) Identify the professional boundaries you would implement when working with this child.

15) Would you make a report to the child protection help line or service in your state or territory?

16) Provide a reason for your choice to report or not report.

17) What is the name of the agency, web address and contact number of the help line or agency you would report to in your state or territory?

18) Identify the steps would you take to make a report in your state or territory.

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Other Subject: Who would you tell about the concern
Reference No:- TGS03270669

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