Compare and contrast global methods of pain control and palliative care.
200-250 Words in text citing and references.
Information clearly relates to the main topic and includes several supporting details and/or examples in a well-organized way. Grammar is correct. When required, replies to peers are thoughtful and meaningful.
2."Rural Issues" Discussion
Assume you are working in a rural area and need to form a task force around relevant health topics. Consider and include in your post information on the following:
Who would be important key informants to invite to the discussion?
How would you work together to address the problems in the community?
What might be some unique challenges found in rural communities?
Describe particular positive or negative perceptions or stereotypes held about rural communities.
Identify if you have lived in a rural community or not and then share your positive and negative perceptions of rural versus urban communities.
200-250 Words in text citing and references.