
Who would be covered by this change in legislation do you

Economics Assignment

1. Assignment is due by 4:00 pm on April 5. It can be handed in be in class (last class is April 3), or dropped into the assignment box for 339 by the deadline. Students are encouraged to work together on assignments, and can hand in this assignment as a group assignment, if desired.

2. Provide references for all the sources you used in completing your answers.

1. The Federal Budget 2017 committed the government to proposing amendments to the Canada Labour Code to allow federally regulated employees to request "..flexible work arrangements.."

a) Why is this seen (in the budget document) as being particularly relevant to women?
b) Who are "federally regulated employees"? That is, what industries, and what proportion of Canadian workers fall are in this group?

2. The government proposes extending parental leave from 52 weeks to 18 months.

a) Who would be covered by this change in legislation?
b) Would an individual's job be protected if the full leave was taken?
c) Do you think you would want to take advantage of this extension, if you were a new parent? Explain, in ¾-1 page.

Potentially useful references:.

1. Statistics Canada, "Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report", March 2017: https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-503-x/2015001/article/14694-eng.pdf

2. March 2017 Federal budget https://www.budget.gc.ca/2017/docs/plan/toc-tdm-en.html

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Microeconomics: Who would be covered by this change in legislation do you
Reference No:- TGS02247190

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