Who were the leaders or important figures in the movement

Discussion Post

Watch the following video clip. This video provides background and examples to help explain macro-level social change. An example of large-scale or macro-level social change can be seen in social movements.

Intelecom. (2011). Large scale social change [Video]. Films on Demand.

After watching the video, consider one of the major social movements of the twentieth century, from civil rights in the United States to Nelson Mandela's anti-apartheid movement in South Africa to Gandhi's nonviolent protests in India.

In one to two pages, address the following four questions:

o What are the stages of the social movement involved in the selected social movement? Explain with examples.
o What were the elements/events that kindled and helped to develop this as a movement to bring about social change?
o Who were the leaders or important figures in the movement?
o Which theory of social change can be applied to the selected movement?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Who were the leaders or important figures in the movement
Reference No:- TGS03191044

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