Who were some of the main proponents of reforms you chose

Discussion Post

Jacob Riis was a journalist and social reformer whose photographs of the poor in New York City in the late 19th century are legendary for their candor and grit. Do a search for the photographs of Jacob Riis (himself an immigrant). Many of Jacob Riis' works can be found here.

Riis and other reformers brought the plight of the poor, the immigrant, and the rural farmer to the forefront of politics at the turn of the 20th century. The cause of such conditions can be directly attributed to the growth of corporations and unregulated business practices during the late Industrial Revolution in the United States (1850-1900).

In your Discussion post, choose 2 of the following topics:

a) Women's rights
b) Working conditions
c) Living conditions
d) Access to housing or health care
e) Immigration reform

In 1 paragraph on each topic, answer the following questions with late 19th-century historical examples:

• What were some of the specific causes that led to these reforms?

• Who were some of the main proponents of the reforms you chose?

• How were the reforms you chose enacted?

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Who were some of the main proponents of reforms you chose
Reference No:- TGS03123730

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