Who was third priest who brought complaints against church

Q1. The Roman Catholic Church had been very successful for more than a thousand years.  What complaints did people begin to have against the Church?

Q2. Who were the first two priests who brought criticism against the Church?  What were their complaints and how were they punished?

Q3. Who was the third priest who brought complaints against the Church? What Bible verses did he read which changed his thinking?

Q4. What did Luther do in 1517 and how was he punished?  (Please note that this is the date of the start of the Protestant Reformation.)

Q5. Who supported Luther during this dangerous period, and what did he do in his spare time?

Q6. In looking at the slide, "What's important to Protestants," which two items listed would be the most important to you and why?

Q7. Which of the three major forms of Protestantism (Calvinism, Lutheranism, and Anglicanism) was started because a certain king wanted a divorce?  Please look up and tell this story.  It's in your textbook.

Q8. In response to the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church did change a few things.  What were these changes?

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