
Who was the founder of the democratic-republican party the

1. Expenditures on lobbying from 1998 to 2008 have:
a. increased from $5 billion 7 billion.
b. decreased from, $3 billion to $1 billion.
c. remained roughly the same at $4 billion.
d. more than doubled, from $1.4 billion to $3.3 billion.

2. A group of retired plant workers seeking to maintain company health benefits might turn to which of the following for help?
a. The AFL-CIO
b. The National Association of Manufacturers
c. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
d. The American Medical Association

3. Which of the following is part of an issue network addressing education policy?
a. An education reporter for the New York Times
b. A lobbyist for the American Federation of Teachers
c. The White House Chief of Staff
d. The governor of California

4. Which of the following statements about interest groups is accurate?
a. According to Alexis de Tocqueville, associations are harmful to democracy.
b. In general, political parties are more tightly organized than interest groups.
c. Interest groups are financed through government grants.
d. In general, interest groups are more tightly organized than are political parties.

5. Which of the following groups is a business interest group?
a. The American Bar Association
b. The American Medical Association
c. The National Association of Manufacturers
d. The Environmental Defense Council

6. The "fourth branch of government" refers to:
a. state governments.
b. political parties.
c. the media.
d. interest groups.

7. Which of the following statements about interest groups is correct?
a. Agricultural business interests have a very short history of influential lobbying activity.
b. Labor unions are important financial supports of the Republican Party.
c. Religious groups never try to influence public policy.
d. Interest groups, such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), concentrate their efforts on economic and religious constituencies within the African American community.

8. The least likely contributor to Democratic candidates would be:
a. the National Organization of Women.
b. the United. Auto Workers.
c. the National Association of Manufacturers.
d. the Sierra Club.

9. When the television networks stress the issue of environmental pollution, rather than universal health care, they are performing the media function of:
a. agenda-setting.
b. sound bites.
c. entertainment.
d. framing.

10. The growth of political action committees:
a. has made politics cleaner and fairer.
b. was an unanticipated consequence of campaign reform.
c. forced big-money contributors to donate illegally.
d. is a new phenomenon directly linked to the Republican control of Congress.

11 Which of the following is an example of a company trying to influence government to hurt its competition?
a. A toy manufacturer seeking help from the Consumer Product Safety Commission
b. Local chambers of commerce holding fund-raisers for congressional candidates
c. Microsoft lobbying the Dept. of Justice to investigate Google's Book Search service
d. IBM being sued under the Sherman Act for monopolistic practices in the 1970s

12. Which of the following interest groups is considered to have the most influence over Congress?
a. The American Bar Association
b. The Sierra Club
c. The National Education Association
d. The National Rifle Association

13. Which of the following is NOT a "lobbyist commandment"?
a. Being well informed
b. Being well balanced
c. Demonstrating a constituent interest
d. Handing the elected official cash at the close of a meeting

14. Political action committee contributions typically:
a. are donated at the request of an elected official.
b. go to incumbent candidates of both parties.
c. go to the challenger to promote more competitive elections.
d. Both A and B are correct.

15. The idea that the political system has become clogged with too many interest, groups and too much money is called:
a. hyperpluralism.
b. diminishing PAC returns.
c. associational bias.
d. financial gridlock.

16. Roughly how many former members of Congress and staffers serving as lobbyists were involved in the health care reform debate in 2009?
a. About 100
b. About 350
C. Former members of Congress and staffers are permanently barred from lobbying.
d. About 1,000

17. Which of the following rapidly rose to become a significant conservative voice among the TV networks?
a. FOX
b. ABC
c. CNN
d. CBS

18. Which of the following is NOT a threat to the television networks?
a. The Internet
b. Cable television
c. Newspapers
d. CNN

19. The first news about the Monica Lewinsky scandal appeared:
a. on FM radio morning jockey shows.
b. on prime-time news.
c. on CNN.
d. through posts on the Internet.

20. Television advertisers tend to prefer p ograms that are:
a. intellectually thought-provoking.
b. conventional and inoffensive.
c. controversial and challenging.
d. overly concerned with factual. information.

21. Class identification in the United States is:
a. constant.
b. weak.
c. strong.
d. important

22. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Motor Voter Act):
a. allows voters to register when they get their drivers' licenses.
b. had little impact upon voter turnout.
c. was struck down as unconstitutional.
d. Both A and B are correct.

23. A major factor contributing to nonvoting is:
a. high income.
b. partisanship.
c. reduction of barriers to voting.
d. political alienation.

24. Declining public trust in government over the past 40 years is linked to:
a. the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
b. the end of the Cold War.
c. a rising sense of confidence in the ability of politicians.
d. a general decline in voting.

25. Significant influences in the process of political socialization include:
a. parents.
b. professional sports teams.
c. party ward leaders.
d. great grandparents.

26. The voting rate among 18-24-year-olds in 2004:
a. increased by 5 percent.
b. increased from 47 percent to 60 percent.
c. decreased from. 55 percent to 30 percent
d. increased from 36 percent to 47 percent.

27. The best predictor of how a person will vote is his or her:
a. education.
b. income.
C. occupation.
d. party identification.

28. Who was, the founder of the Democratic-Republican Party?
a. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Alexander Hamilton
d. Andrew Jackson

29. Recent trends in political participation show that people are:
a. more involved in personal volunteer efforts but less involved in political party activity.
b. less involved in political parties and more involved in running for public office.
c. more involved as voters and less involved in volunteer activity.
d. on the verge of creating a third political party.

30. The GOP broke new ground with the selection of which of the following as the chair of the Republican National Committee?
a. Tim Kaine
b. Howard Dean
c. Michael Steele
d. Dick Cheney

31. led the Democratic Party of 1828.
a. Alexander Hamilton
b. Abraham Lincoln
e. Thomas Jefferson
d. Andrew Jackson

32. The 'typical' Democratic voter:
a. supports limited government.
b. supports civil rights.
c. is a corporate CEO.
d. favors fundamentalist Christian social positions.

33. A political party political power.
a. polarizes
b. centralizes
c. decentralizes
d. balances

34. American political parties:
a. organize public opinion.
b. put together coalitions of different interests.
c. demand party loyalty on all issues.
d. Both A and B are correct.

35. The 1952. and 1956 Eisenhowerelections are examples of elections.
a. a maintaining
b. dealigning
c. deviating
d. realigning

36. Leadership PACs:
a. solidify support to their creators..
b. promote the creators` political ambitions.
c. are generally ineffective at fund-raising.
d. Both A and B are correct.

37. The "emerging Democratic majority" as defined by Teixeira and judis includes:
a. minorities.
b. young people.
c. those with college degrees.
d. A, B, and C are correct.

38. Who was the most significant third-party candidate for president in 1992 and 1996?
a. Ralph Nader
b. Patrick Buchanan
c. Bill Clinton
d. Ross Perot

39. The Whig party joined others to form the Party.
a. Republican
b. Democratic-Republican
c. Federalist
d. Socialist

40. National party committees:
a. govern the national parties.
b. never work with state and local party committees.
c. maintain large professional staffs.
d. Both A and C are correct.

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