
Who should benefit or suffer from the actions of the


One of the reasons there can be so much debate about ethical issues is because ethics are opinions informed by people's values and people have different values. People can disagree about whether or not something is unethical, and, oftentimes, there is no right answer. In order to make decisions about what may be ethical or unethical, Yegidis (2018, p. 25) suggests focusing on these three questions:

1. "Who should benefit or suffer from the actions of the researcher?"

2. "Whose rights should take priority over those of others?"

3. "Does the end (increased knowledge) justify the means (the methods used to acquire it and their potential for harm)?"

For this Discussion, view the Sessions episode on the Parker family. As you do so, consider which, if any, ethical mandates or standards were violated.

Post a 300 word response explaining your reaction to the Parker episode. Be sure to address whether or not the social worker violated any ethical mandates or standards. Also explain which strategies could have been used to guide ethical practice. Finally, describe the responsibility of the social workers in the Parker case. Please use the resources to support your answers.

View Transcript of video:

Parker Family Episode 4 Program Transcript

FEMALE SPEAKER: Well, I think we should wrap things up. Does this same time work for you next week?

FEMALE SPEAKER: Yes, it's fine.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Let me give you an appointment card. By the way, something occurred to me that might interest you. I have a colleague that's doing a study on the impact of hoarding on family members. She wants to identify potential interventions. I think she'd love to talk to you and Stephanie.


FEMALE SPEAKER: She's paying participants in her study. I don't know how much.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Do I have to do it? I-- I just don't like people knowing my business.

FEMALE SPEAKER: It's totally confidential and anonymous.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I don't know.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I think it'd be a great opportunity for you.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I don't know. Would she have to come see my home? I mean, I don't like people seeing how I live.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Don't worry about that. You should at least talk to her. Like I said, there's some money in it for you. Can I give her your number?

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Dissertation: Who should benefit or suffer from the actions of the
Reference No:- TGS02573097

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