
Who settled the colony of jamestown


• What does this image tell you about the process of "negotiating peace" in the 1630s in Virginia? (Theodor de Bry, "Negotiating Peace With the Indians," 1634)

• What motivated Europeans to establish empires in the Americas? In what ways were these empires similar to each other? In what ways were they different? (Introduction)

• How, when and why did the Spanish move into North America? What were their goals in exploring and colonizing North America? (Spanish America)

• Who were these rivals, wand what did they hoping to gain by competing with Spain for control of the New World? (Spain's Rivals Emerge)

• What is your reaction to this image? (The earliest plan of New Amsterdam (now Manhattan),1660.)

• What were French motivations in establishing settlements in America? What was the culture and economy of these settlements like? (The French)

• View the full image of "Veüe et Perspective de la Nouvelle Orleans". What does this painting tell you about New Orleans in 1726?

• What were French relations with indigenous Americans like? How were these relations similar to or different from relations in Spanish and English colonies? (Native Americans)

• Explain what you think this term means, in this context. (middle ground)

• What types of settlements did the Dutch establish in America? Where were these settlements, and what was the culture and economy of these settlements like? (The Dutch)

• Where were the Portuguese colonies in the Americas, and what were they like? (The Portuguese)

• What factors led to the establishment of English colonies in North America? (English Colonization)

• What was Hakluyt's argument for English colonization of the Americas? ("Discourse on Western Planting," Richard Hakluyt)

• What were some of the economic innovations of the English colonizers? (New economic structures)

• In what ways was English colonization different from that of other European nations? (English colonization would look very different from Spanish or French colonization.)

• Who settled the colony of Jamestown? What were their goals in creating this colony? (Jamestown)

• Describe the relations between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan. (Powhatan Confederacy. Powhatan)

• In what ways did tobacco impact the development of Virginia? (But then tobacco saved Jamestown.)

• What is indentured servitude? (indentured servants)

• Why did slavery develop in Virginia, and why were Africans, rather than another group, the ones enslaved? (Southern slavery was born.)

• In what ways did the English believe themselves to be superior to indigenous Americans and to Africans? (English colonists brought to the New World particular visions of racial, cultural, and religious supremacy.)

• Who founded the New England colonies, and why? (New England)

• Who were the Puritans, and why did they come to America?

• What type of society did the Puritans build? (The New England Puritans set out to build their utopia by creating communities of the godly.)

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History: Who settled the colony of jamestown
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