
Who or what inspires you to be the best version of yourself


Self-image is how you see and think about yourself-your skills, abilities, successes, failures, etc. Self-esteem is how much you value or respect yourself, including your self-image. Self-acceptance is acknowledging and accepting what is true about you.


Consider whether you see yourself in a positive light (self-image). Do you value and respect yourself (self-esteem)? Do you accept the person you are (self-acceptance)? Are you satisfied with the way you see, value, and accept yourself?

Respond to all of the following questions:

1. Who or what inspires you to be the best version of yourself? How and why are you inspired?

2. If you were asked today to rate your attitude towards your education on a scale of 1-10, what would it be? What factors influence that rating?

3. When you are faced with a challenge, how might your attitude affect how you respond to the problem or approach a solution? If your attitude is preventing you from successfully overcoming a setback, what actions might you take to improve or change your attitude and embrace success?

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Other Subject: Who or what inspires you to be the best version of yourself
Reference No:- TGS03219967

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