Assignment task: Norma is a carer who works for Rosedale home care team. Rosedale home care team always follows the standard policies and procedures related to client care. Norma has been working in the job for 15 years and is a very positive and well-respected team member. Norma is well known for her quality work and is passionate about her client care.
Recently you have received a complaint from the clients that Norma is late for her work. The clients have suggested she is always rushing their care. Norma is always stressed and looking on her phone. She is neglecting her client care. One of her colleagues has reported that Norma is ignoring her duty of care towards the clients. Norma is not interested in engaging in any conversation with the clients.
Who needs to act against Norma behaviour in the given scenario?
As per case scenario, do you believe Norma's behaviour is a breach of standard, policies and procedures of the organisation?