Your project is to select any HR related topic / issue from your textbook that was covered in class and use it as a topic of discussion for a feedback / performance review session. You will use the CPR Model for Difficult Discussions you received as your guide. This is an individual project. Each student needs to turn one in. This project is worth 200 points.
One of the hardest things for any supervisor/manager to do is have that challenging talk with someone. It can be a subordinate, co-worker or supervisor, sometimes situations present themselves and you know you and the organization would be better off if the issue was properly addressed but you're nervous about talking to someone about it. Not many people enjoy a confrontation so it's important that you are able to address potentially sensitive issues positively in a manner that can leave both parties feeling good about the process and outcome.
You should select a topic and create a fictional (yet realistic) situation that one might expect to encounter at some point as a supervisor / manager. Your topic may be based on something that you have personally witnessed, seen in a movie / television program or something that you think you may face in the future. Once your topic is selected, address each block in the model. You will basically be telling a story about a face to face feedback session you will have with this person about the issue you've selected. What you will turn in will look a lot like a movie script; explaining what happened, what's going on, why and who said what.
Sections Needed - EXAMPLE FORMAT
What Happened? - Tell me what happened. For example; it has been reported that one of your staff, Bill, has been making discriminating comments towards Henrietta, a co-worker who is a senior citizen. (Provide as much detail as reasonable; generalities will not be accepted. You must provide specifics and details.)
How Do I Feel? - You suspectJoes' comments violate civil rights laws and the policies of the company but tell me how you feel about what happened and the situation.
Impact on My Image? - Who knows what happened? How will you look if you don't address the issue? How will you look if you do? List Pros and cons.
Do I want to Proceed?-In real life, there may be reasons why you want to wait but for the purposes of this project you have to proceed. Explain why it is in your best interest to speak to the person and address the issue. Don't say it will make things better. Tell me specifics and why. And what may happen if you don't have the talk.
Do I seek mutual understanding? - Hopefully you'll always say yes but for the purposes of this project you do. Explain why mutual understanding (that you seek to resolve the situation in a positive manner for you/the company as well as the person involved) is part of your goal and how both parties benefit from it.
Objective Observer Story - This is where you first speak to them andtell them what you saw, without judgment/emotion. Tell me what you would say. These are the first words you will say to the person; your invitation to talk. Gary: "Bill, have you got a minute? I'd like to talk with you about a comment you made to Henrietta yesterday."
Is it safe? - Explain how you feel addressing the person and how they look and act once you've told them that you want to talk with them. Do they look / act nervous? Explain what you can do to make them and you feel safer discussing the issue.
Learn their story; Share your story - Here is where you listen to what they have to say and you share your perspective of what happened. This is a dialog, taking turns talking and listening. Tell me what each of you says. Write it like a movie script; they said - you said line for line. Give your character a name and use your name.
Bill: "I was just kidding. Everyone knows I'm a big kidder."
Gary: "How does calling someone degrading names classify as kidding?"
Co-Create Options - Ask them what might be done to alleviate the situation and make things better. You may offer a potential solution as well but only after them. Exchange ideas and select a specific strategy. Again, provide details about what they and you offer as solutions. Why is your/their answer the best option?
Resolve It - How do you implement and monitor the proposed solution? Give details, use timelines, etc.
Improved Relationship - Don't just say the problem stopped and things were better. Tell me the details. How did all involved parties act / react? Did the rest of your team notice the difference? How do you feel about the process?
Project Format:Provide a cover page with Title of your project, your name, class and section. The body should be single spaced with 11 or 12 font size and standard 1" margins. They must be typed. No hand written work will be accepted.
Project size: There is no minimum number of pages but if you provide too few pages you'll lack the necessary detail. No need to fill with unnecessary rhetoric just to make it longer. I'm not looking for mini novels. This paper is generally between 2-4 typed pages; excluding the cover page.
Project Reason: Most people wait until they're fed up, angry and emotional before addressing an issue. They make it confrontational from the start by being emotional, making accusations and directing behavior without asking questions or including the other party. By completing this project you will provide yourself with the ability to objectively address a potentially sensitive issue, personal or business related, with a positive outcome for all parties.