
Who is the speaker


This week's creative assignment is "Who is the speaker?" Pick one of the three poems ("homage to my hips," "The Woman Thing," or "Wild nights - Wild nights!") and create a 400-word description of the poem's speaker. This will require you to use your imagination and develop the character outside of the poem.

Assignment Requirements:

Your submission must:

include a minimum of 400 words, written in paragraph form.

be written in the third-person point of view (academic voice).

be double spaced. A title page, running head, and abstract are not required.

be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment on the submission page (click title above). Assignments not submitted in this way may be returned to you ungraded.

No Research

There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.

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English: Who is the speaker
Reference No:- TGS03196499

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