
Who is the current director of fema

Essay : Federalism

Review the Federalism Video - Frontline: The Storm

Video Stream: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/storm/view/


Be sure to follow all formatting guidelines provided in the syllabus. Your final work product must have a cover page with a word count, an essay that is 3 to 4 pages in length and a works cited page. The minimum writing requirement expectation is two full pages in your own words (excluding citations). If the minimum expectations are not met, the assignment will be marked incomplete. Be sure to provide a proper citation in MLA or APA format for all works consulted on a separate works cited page.

The following activity is to be completed at the conclusion of the entire video. The video has been broken down into five smaller parts to increase the quality of the video and audio. You will need to watch the whole video to complete this activity and to get the information within its proper context. The total running time is one hour.

Essay Questions:

Your final work product will be a coherent essay (introduction, body paragraph and conclusion) addressing each of the following questions using the video, scholarly sources and supplemental sources for current events:

1. Why did the communication system break down hours after Hurricane Katrina?

2. How is the issue of "interoperability" dangerous to the concept of federalism and our entire system of government?

3. What was the purpose of the Hurricane Pam exercise? List at least 3 reasons why was it unsuccessful? What lessons could have been learned, had it been completed?

4. Discuss some of the criticisms of FEMA over the years?

5. How did history play a role in the mismanagement of the crisis in New Orleans?

6. How can the core problems within FEMA be addressed as America moves forward?

7. Who is the current director of FEMA? Is this person qualified for the position?

8. Research some of the criticisms of President George W. Bush's initial response to Hurricane Katrina? Were those criticisms justified after seeing this video? Why or why not?

9. Discuss what some experts feel can be done differently next time? This requires additional research.

10. What are the overall lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina?

Extra Credit Option - Creative Writing (5 Points)

1. Find someone who was directly affected by Hurricane Katrina. If you can not, imagine that you are that person.

2. Prepare a one page creative writing piece that is your account of the devastating effects of the Hurricane. Try to capture the effects of Hurricane Katrina from a personal perspective. It can be in the form of a poem, a journal entry, lyrical rhyme or whatever format you decide you want to use to express yourself.

3. Finally, submit your creative writing along with the Unit essay. Be sure to label it as extra credit and have it on a separate page. Remember to use the general course formatting guidelines listed in the syllabus.

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Other Subject: Who is the current director of fema
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