
Who is the authorized decision-maker in the case


A 14-year old boy is hospitalized for relapse of leukemia after a failed bone marrow transplant. The family has been told his condition is terminal, there is nothing more to be done except keep him comfortable. His mother is distant, uncommunicative and rarely visits. When she does, she doesn't touch Robbie or speak to him. She sits in a recliner by the window reading novels and requesting Cokes multiple times per visit. The staff calls a family meeting but the mother is conspicuously absent. Robbie's father is frantic, demanding further treatments, regardless of low likelihood of efficacy. During the family meeting, he directs the team NOT to tell Robbie he might die, as he would lose hope. He states: "In our culture, we keep this news from patients to avoid upsetting them."

You are the nurse. When you are alone caring for Robbie, he asks you, "Am I dying?" How should you respond?

What are three options you could select? Cite the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Who is the authorized decision-maker in this case?

What other considerations play a part in your response?

Write your response in a cohesive paragraph format

Cite sources in APA format.

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Other Subject: Who is the authorized decision-maker in the case
Reference No:- TGS03420252

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