Assignment task:
Select two of the provided speeches or newspaper articles .Ensure that they represent two different ideological positions-for example, one 'Social-Democratic' and one 'Neoliberal,' or one 'Third Way' and one 'Liberal
As part of your analysis of the dominant ideologies in the text, you may wish to discuss/include·
How the speaker conceptualises human nature. i.e the terms they use to signify people and whether they understand people as individuals or part of larger social groups and contexts.·
How, in their view, is welfare produced?
Who is responsible for welfare? What is the role of government?
Is their understanding of welfare social, occupational, or fiscal?
Do they have universal or targeted approaches to social policy in mind?
All these characteristics of their view of welfare will be underpinned by a wider ideological stance that you will name and justify with reference to the language used in the speeches.