
Who is god and what are his characteristics how do you know


Detailed Worldview Outline


• Write an Introduction of 3-5 sentences to set up the purpose of the outline.
• Address each question with 1-2 sentences ("a" = 1 sentence / "b" = 1 sentence).
• Write a Conclusion of 3-5 sentences to wrap up the purpose of the outline.
• Total word count for this document should be 400-650 words.

Introduction: A worldview refers to a comprehensive conception of the world from a specific stand point. A Christian worldview is a comprehensive conception of the world from a Christian standpoint. An individual's worldview is big picture, a harmony of all his beliefs about the world. It is his way of understanding reality. One's worldview is the basis for making daily decisions and is therefore extremely important.

I) Who is God and what are His characteristics?

a) A good summary of God is The Supreme being, The Creator, and the ruler of all that is.
b) God's characteristics are just loving, truthful, and holy. God shows compassion, mercy, and grace.

II) What is a human being and what happens when you die?

a) We are Homo sapiens, a member of the animal Kingdom. We are dust and when we die were turn to dust, just as animals do.
b) After a person die his/her soul 3 possible outcomes. If close to god then it will go to heaven, I f your soul has been corrupted and involved in sin acts then it will go to hell. It goes to purgatory where someone does not belivive in God it will be cleansed and sent to haven.

III)What is the nature of the universe?

a) The universe was created by god and was heaven and earth, and god is existence to all reality.

IV) How do you know what you know? How do you know what is true?

a) I learn for my parents and what I learned in school, and the way people act. By listening to my elders tell me things about family and history of the life they had.

b) As you get older you can tell if someone is telling you the truth by their body language and their eyes. They will not look at you right in the eyes it tell you that their not telling the truth.

V) What is right and wrong or how can we know there is a right and wrong?

a) When we are little are parents telling you what is wrong and right, as you go on in life you will learn what is right a wrong.
b) You learn this as your life goes on, if you take the shortcut though your life it will not go good for you.

VI) Is life pointless or is there purpose?

a) It comes down to what your beliefs are. If you believe in what science said then life is pointless.
b) I think that if one believes in God then you are here to be kind, spread happiness.

VII) What core commitments are consistent with my worldview and how do they impact my life?

a) How I treat others and my education, my culture or family life and my religious upbringing.

b) To have God in my life and to make up for the bad things I have done in the past. To tell the people that I hurt I'm sorry for my wrongs.

Conclusion: What I learned though the worldview, is that without God in my life I would not be the person that I am. To show my love and to help others that doesn't have it a well as I was given in life. That there are a lot of things in this world that will take you down the wrong path and that I have to watch were they are and stay away from them.

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Dissertation: Who is god and what are his characteristics how do you know
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