
Who is being marginalized and how is the marginalization

The primary components of the course - marginalization, justice and civic engagement -should be the explicit focus of your analysis. Some consideration also should be given to the related ideas of power, freedom and equality as presented in the film and discussed during the course. Your project will provide an analysis of the causes, dynamics and consequences of marginalization using the film and supporting research sources. Some key questions to consider are:

1. Who is being marginalized and how is the marginalization demonstrated?

2. What is causing the marginalization; what thematic area(s) are most relevant?

3. How are justice - or injustice - and civic engagement portrayed in the film?

4. How are the related ideas of freedom, equality and power exhibited in conjunction with the justice and civic engagement?

5. To what extent is the marginalization depicted in the film a 'common' occurrence in the world? That is, does it occur across cultures and time?

6. Does the marginalization need to be resolved? If so, how might this be accomplished?

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History: Who is being marginalized and how is the marginalization
Reference No:- TGS0987765

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