
Who defined personality as the dynamic organization within

1) According to Gordon Allport, is defined as the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine the unique adjustment to his environment.

2) Who defined personality as the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment?

3) Is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others.

4) Esther Lugo has gone for an interview at an advertising firm in Manhattan and has been asked to complete a self-report survey to help interview understand if she is the right candidate for the job. From the interview, they have found that she is extroverted, empathic, scrupulous, and cooperative in nature, which are key characteristics needed for the job. These characteristics about Lugo indicate her .

5) Which of the following is the most common means of measuring personality?

6) Which of the following is a drawback of self-reports surveys?

7) In , a co-worker or another observer does an independent assessment of personality, with or without the subject's knowledge.

8) Tracy Winter works at a publishing firm in London and recently received an e-mail from the human resource department of her company, asking her to study a colleague, Cindy Camp's behavior and attention toward her work without her knowledge. Winter now needs to scrutinize her behavior and notice if she is free from distractions and pays sufficient importance to her tasks. Which of the following is Winter conducting?

9) Which of the following terms refers to factors such as one's biological rhythms are generally considered to be either completely or substantially influenced by one's biological, physiological, and inherent psychological makeup?

10) Which of the following statement is true about personality?

11) Which of the following does he heredity approach state?

12) The is a personality assessment consisting of 100-questions where respondents are classified as extraverted-introverted, sensing-intuitive, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving.

13) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the type are practical and prefer routine and order and focus on details.

14) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the type are flexible and spontaneous.

15) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the judging type .

16) Which of the following are characteristics of the intuitive type of people according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification.

17) Ellen Athers as a communication executive at a travel house. She is known to be friendly with her colleagues and interacts with them regularly to build strong work relationships. She knows that her rapport with her co-workers is a crucial part of her work and invests time to these relationships. In addition, while making decisions, she is assertive and colleagues take her decisions seriously. Which of the following personality types is Athers most likely to be characterized by according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification?

18) Ellaine Chamberlain works as a research executive at an environmental organization. Though her colleagues are helpful and friendly, because of her shy nature, she often eats her lunch at her desk and has limited interactions with them. She is glad that her nature of works does not require her to interact with her co-workers to a high extent. Which of the following personality types is Chamberlain most likely to be characterized by according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification?

19) Valerie Sinclair, a climate campaigner at an environmental organization, invariably uses rationale to make decisions for project implementation. She believes that the right decisions can be made only through scrutinization and analysis. Each time she needs to make a decision, she weights all options before taking action. Which of the following is Sinclair's personality type by according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification?

20) Amber Downing, a human resource executive, is in charge of the recruitment process in her organization. During the hiring process, she often needs to coordinate with prospective employees. The organization process does not require her to inform employees who do not get through the selection process. However she believes that it is rude not to give them an update. She thus makes sure that she send them e-mails informing them all about the selection process. Which of the following personality types is Downing characteristic by according to the the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification?

21) According to the the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, introverted/ intuitive/ thinking/ judging type of people are .

22) People belonging to the ESTJ are characterized as to the the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification.

23) According to the the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, the ENTP type of people are most likely to be .

24) What does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification of "E or I" stand for?

25) What does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classification of S versus N stand for?

26) What is the major problem with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a measure of personality?

27) The is a personality assessment model that taps basic dimensions which encompass most of the significant variation in human personality, namely extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotion stability, and openness to experience.

28) Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others?

29) Which dimension of the Big Five model is a measure of reliability ?

30) According to the Big Five Model, a highly conscientious person is most likely to be_________

31) According to the Big Five Model, a person who scores__________is easily distracted, disorganized and unreliable.

32) Which of the following dimensions of the Big Five Model indicates a person's ability to withstand stress ?

33) According to the Big Five Model, the________ dimension addresses a range of interests and fascination with novelty.

34) Marina Lyon works as a reservation executive at a travel and tourism company. Though her job requires her only to efficiently book flight tickets for customers, she has also opted to undergo training to learn the process of hotel reservations. In addition, every evening she reads travelogues to be aware of upcoming travel destinations and trends. She loves the industry she works in and is eager to learn as much as she can. Considering the information in this case, which dimension of the Big Five Model best describes Lyon's?

35) _____________ is as important for managers as for front-line employees and, among all Big Five Model traits, is most consistently related to job performance.

36) Which of the following is most likely the drawback of highly conscientious people according to the Big Five Model ?

37) Among the Big Five Model traits,___________is mostly strongly related to life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and low stress levels.

38) With reference to the Big Five Model, which of the following is a difference between highly agreeable and less agreeable people ?

39) Which of the following differentiates introverts from extroverts ?

40) People scoring high on the _________ dimension of the Big Five Model are more likely to be absent from work and engage in risky behavior than those who score low.

41) ____________refers to bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth as a person.

42) Which of the following statements is true about people with positive core self-evaluations ?

43) Which of the following personality traits indicates the degree to which a person is unemotional and pragmatic and believes that ends justify means?

44) A high Mach would be most productive in which of the following positions ?

45)_________ refers to the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement.

46) During an annual interview, Michel Godfrey made the following assertion: " When I look at myself and my performance, I see that what I have achieved is outstanding and something no one in the organization has the capacity to undertake. Surprisingly, it has not won me the admiration of my colleagues like it should have. I also believe that I do not just deserve a raise, but need one, since without me, let's face it, the place would simply fall apart." Which of the following personality traits best describes Michel's personality ?

47) Which of the following is true of a narcissist ?

48) Individuals scoring _________ have a strong ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors and can behave differently in different situations.

49) Individuals low in self-monitoring___________.

50) As compared to high self-monitors, low self-monitors_____________.

Jonah is currently trying to decide whether or not to allow Kate to be part of a delegation that will represent their company at an international business expo. Apart from allowing th company to market its business to potential clients, the expo will give the members of the delegation a chance to meet and network with various industry professionals and gain industry insights.

51) Which of the following , if true, would most weaken Kate's chances of being selected ?

52) Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen Kate's chances of being selected ?

53) John Hardley recently joined as marketing director of H2O, a water sports gear company. Though in the last five years the company has had drastic dip in sales, ever since Hardley has joined he has turned the figures around. In addition to revamping the look of the brand, he has initiated several marketing campaigns through broadcast media to increase customer base for the company. Hardley has over the past 6 months managed to get the company to an all time high peak of sales. Which of the following statements best describes Hardley ?

54) Those with a ____________personality identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, compared to others who passively react to situations.

55) Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding people with proactive personalities ?

56) Which of the following is most likely to be true regarding people with a high level of other-orientation?

Mara is looking to send one of her team members on an international assignment to China, to train a group of employees located at her company's office in Beijing. As part of the assignment, the chosen employee will have to undergo a 3-week diversity training program to help them learn about their new environment. Bryan, one of Mara's colleague, is interested in taking up the assignment.

57) Which of the following, if true, would reduce the likelihood that Bryan will be selected ?

58) Which of the following, if true, would increase the likelihood that Bryan will be selected ?

59) Which of the following terms describes basic convictions that " a specific mode of conduct or endstate of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct"?

60) When we rank an individual's values in order of their___________, we obtain the person's value system.

61) Which of the following is true of values ?

62) Milton Rokeach created the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) which consisted of two sets of values, namely_____ values and______________values.

63) According to Roekach Value Survey,__________values refer to desirable end-states.

64) According to the Rokeach Value Survey,___________ values refer to preferable modes of behavior.

65) Which of the following is a terminal value according to the Rokeach value survey ?

66) Which of the following is an instrumental value according to the Roekach value survey ?

67) Which of the following is true about the baby boomer generation ?

68) John Holland's personality-job fit theory presents six personality types. Which of the following is one of these six types?

69) With reference to John Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to the realistic type will be most suitable for the job of a (n)________________.

70) Help Aid, a non-profit organization in Indonesia, works at providing education in underdeveloped countries. They are now looking to hire a teacher who can educate children in Namibia and help get into jobs which can sustain themselves. According to John Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to which of the following personalities will best suit Help Aid's requirement ?

71) With reference of John Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to the _______ type prefer verbal activities in which there are opportunities to influence others and attain powers.

72) With reference to John Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to the investigating type prefer_________.

73) With reference to Hofstede's framework, a class or caste system discourage upward mobility is more likely to exist in a nation that scores_________.

74) Alex was sent to Beijing to help local managers solve the problem of growing worker dissatisfaction at their manufacturing facility located in the city. As part of his visit, he decides to have a town hall meeting with the workers to understand the problems that they were facing and the reasons for their discontent. The turnout at the meeting was substantial; however, when asked for their opinions and suggestions, the crowd fell silent. As a result, Alex was unable to determine the reason for employee dissatisfaction. Which of the following, if true, best explain this situation ?

75) With reference to the Hofstede's Framework for Asessing Cultures,__________emphasizes a tight social framework in which people expect others in group of which they are a part to look after them and protect them.

76) According to Hofstede's framework,______indicated the degree to which people in a country prefer structured to unstructured situations.

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