Assignment Problem: Do the following, to complete this assignment:
1. Provide the Feedback Form to at least two (2) different people in your life. Consider family members, co-workers, partners, or friends.
2. It would be prudent to send it to more than two (2) people, just in case some are too busy or fail to respond in a timely manner.
3. Once a form has been completed, BUT before you have seen/read it:
4. Think about the questions you will need to address below.
5. Meet with the respondent via phone, video chat, or in person.
6. Have the respondent read their answers to you.
7. Write a 2-page paper, using proper spelling and grammar, based on the questions below:
8. Who critiqued you and what is your relationship to them?
9. What did you perceive during your feedback session with them?
10. What answers surprised you?
11. What answers didn't surprise you?
12. Did this have any influence, positive or constructive, on your perception of yourself?