
Who controls the technology-how much does it cost?


Each member of the team will assemble at least 5 scholarly, academic references that will be used to write the paper (refer to Week 1's tutorial on Scholarly References). Each student will list his/her references using APA format, and provide a brief explanation of each resource indicating how that resource will be used. The focus should be upon the student's specific research assignment. An approximate length of this bibliography is between 2 - 3 pages.

These two are my sections in which the research reference should be about:

IX. Name - Economic Issues & Considerations

a.Modern biotechnology has been hailed as a miracle to solve problems such as world hunger, health and environmental degradation, particularly by biotechnology companies, some scientists and governments. But, one needs to examine the socio-economic and political context in which the technology has been developed. To do this we need to ask questions such as: What was the purpose of developing the technology? Who controls the technology? How much does it cost? What is the trend of GMOs being developed and for whose benefit?

I.Production, Consumption, Costs and Variables
II.Business Environment
III.Economic Trends

X. Name - Benefits of GMO

a.With an ever increasing global population, massive 3rd world hunger, and with an estimation that a child dies for every two seconds worldwide from starvation; this does not even take into account the number of people who are mal and undernourished, there is a great promise in the use of this technology to benefit not only the farmers, but also societies worldwide.

I.Acceptance of GMO
II.Attitude toward Change
III.Human Mind Impacts

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Microeconomics: Who controls the technology-how much does it cost?
Reference No:- TGS01842193

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