
Who can claim piper as a dependent who can julia claim as a

Basic Course Scenarios and Test Questions

Basic Scenario 1: Calvin Albright

Interview Notes

Calvin is 22 years old, single, and a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number.

On Calvin's Intake and Interview sheet, he answered "Unsure" to the question, "Can anyone claim you or your spouse on their tax return?"

During the interview with Calvin, you determine the following facts:

  • Calvin was a full-time student during 2016.
  • He earned $7,000 in wages and had interest income of $10 from a savings account.
  • He lived with his parents all year, but they told him they will not claim him on their 2016 return. Calvin's parents are required to file a return.
  • Calvin does not provide more than half of his own support.

Basic Scenario 1: Test Questions

1. Calvin can claim one personal exemption on his 2016 tax return.

a. True

b. False

2. Using Publication 4012, Who Must File tab, Chart B, Calvin has a fling requirement and must file a tax return.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 2: Dana Glendale

Interview Notes

Dana is 32, unmarried, and earned $40,000 in wages.

Dana's 67-year-old single father, Tom, lives in his own apartment in Seattle.

Dana provided more than half of her father's support and all the cost of keeping up her father's home.

Tom's only income was $6,800 in Social Security benefits.

None of Tom's Social Security income is taxable, and he is not required to file a tax return.

Dana had qualified employee health insurance coverage for all of 2016. Tom had Medicare Parts A and B coverage all year.

Dana and Tom are U.S. citizens and have valid Social Security numbers.

Basic Scenario 2: Test Questions

3. Dana's most advantageous allowable fling status is:

a. Single

b. Head of Household

c. Married Filing Separately

d. Qualifying Widow

4. Both Dana and Tom have qualifying health insurance coverage (also known as minimum essential coverage) as defined under the Affordable Care Act.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 3: Julia Hillsdale

Interview Notes

Julia is 46 and made $32,000 in wages in 2016. She is single and pays all the cost of keeping up her home.

Julia's daughter, Beth, lived with Julia all year.

Beth is 27, single, and had no income in 2016. She is not disabled.

Beth's baby, Piper, was born in November 2015. Piper lived in Julia's home since birth.

Julia provides more than half of the support for both Beth and Piper.

Julia, Beth, and Piper are all U.S. citizens with valid Social Security numbers.

Basic Scenario 3: Test Questions

5. Who can claim Piper as a dependent?

a. Beth can claim Piper because she is Piper's mother.

b. Julia can claim Piper; Beth cannot claim Piper because Beth qualifies as Julia's dependent.

c. Julia cannot claim Piper because Piper is not Julia's child.

d. No one can claim Piper.

6. Who can Julia claim as a qualifying child(ren) for the earned income credit?

a. Julia has no qualifying children.

b. Julia can claim Beth, but not Piper.

c. Julia can claim Piper, but not Beth.

d. Julia can claim both Beth and Piper.

Basic Scenario 4: Everett and Catherine Brescia

Interview Notes

Everett and Catherine lived in the U.S. all year and have Individual Taxpayer Identifcation Numbers (ITINs). They are not U.S. citizens and are not lawfully present in the U.S.

Everett, age 24, and Catherine, age 22, are married and want to file a joint return.

They have one child, Emory, who is 3 years old and lived with them all year.

Everett earned $32,000 in wages. They had no other income.

Everett and Catherine provided all the support for Emory.

Emory has a Social Security number and is a U.S. citizen.

Everett and Catherine did not have any health insurance in 2016. Emory had minimum essential coverage (MEC) all year.

Basic Scenario 4: Test Questions

7. Review the Coverage Exemptions chart in Publication 4012. Everett and Catherine qualify for a health insurance coverage exemption.

a. True

b. False

8. Are Everett and Catherine eligible to claim the earned income credit?

a. Yes, because Emory is a U.S. citizen.

b. Yes, because they have earned income.

c. No, because Catherine had no earned income.

d. No, because Everett and Catherine have ITINs.

9. Which of the following benefits can Everett and Catherine claim on their tax return?

a. They can claim Emory as a dependent.

b. They can claim the child tax credit for Emory.

c. They can claim Emory as a dependent and take the child tax credit.

d. They cannot claim either the dependency exemption or the child tax credit.

Basic Scenario 5: Ed Bard and Kara Crowder

Interview Notes

Ed and Kara, both 24 years old, are not married. They lived together all year.

Kara had $5,000 in earned income during 2016. Ed earned $30,000 in wages.

Ed has two children from a previous relationship; Jason is 5 years old, and Trevor is 3.

Jason and Trevor lived with Ed and Kara for all of 2016.

Jason and Trevor did not provide over half of their own support.

Ed paid all the rent, utilities, groceries, and other household expenses. Kara paid none of the household expenses.

Ed, Kara, Jason, and Trevor are all U.S. citizens with valid Social Security numbers.

Basic Scenario 5: Test Questions

10. What are the correct fling statuses for Ed's and Kara's individual returns?

a. Both can file as Head of Household.

b. They can choose which one files as Head of Household.

c. Ed can file as Head of Household and Kara, if she chooses to file a tax return, must file as Single.

d. Both must file as Single.

11. It is allowable for both Ed and Kara to each claim one qualifying child for the earned income credit on their individual returns.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 6: Linda Findlay

Interview Notes

Linda is married but did not live with or have contact with her spouse this tax year. She does not know where he is. She indicated on her intake sheet that she is not legally separated.

Linda does not have children or any other dependents.

Linda worked as a clerk and earned $47,000 in wages. She had no other income.

In 2016, she took a computer class at the community college to improve her job skills.

She has a student account statement showing she paid $900 for tuition.

She paid $300 for a course book that she ordered from an online bookseller. Purchase of the book was not a requirement of enrollment.

She also paid $50 for a parking permit that was not a requirement of enrollment.

Linda does not have enough deductions to itemize.

Linda is a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number.

Basic Scenario 6: Test Questions

12. What is Linda's most advantageous allowable fling status?

a. Married Filing Separately

b. Head of Household

c. Single

d. Qualifying Widow

13. Which education benefit is Linda eligible to claim?

a. American opportunity credit

b. Lifetime learning credit

c. Tuition and fees deduction

d. She does not qualify for any education benefit

Basic Scenario 7: Gordon Ferris and Ellen Mercer


Using the tax software, complete the tax return, including Form 1040 and all appropriate forms, schedules, or worksheets. Answer the questions following the scenario.

Note: When entering Social Security numbers (SSNs) or Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), replace the Xs as directed, or with any four digits of your choice.

Interview Notes

Gordon and Ellen are married and want to fle a joint return.

Gordon did not receive a Form 1099-INT, but called County Bank and confirmed that in 2016 they received $9 of interest income in their savings account with no withholding and no early withdrawal penalty.

Gordon bought a $25 raffle ticket and won a $3,000 prize. He brought his Form W2-G.

Gordon was covered by Medicare Parts A and B for the whole year. Ellen had no health insurance all year, and does not qualify for any coverage exemptions.

Basic Scenario 7: Test Questions

14. Gordon has an Identity Protection PIN. How does this affect his return preparation?

a. The Identity Protection PIN must be entered during return preparation.

b. This return cannot be prepared at a volunteer site.

c. The return must be fled as a paper return.

d. All of the above.

15. The $9 of savings account interest is not required to be included on the return since no Form 1099-INT was issued

a. True

b. False

16. What is the taxable amount of Gordon's Social Security? $_______.

17. Gordon is over 65. How does that affect their tax return?

a. There is no effect.

b. It increases their standard deduction.

c. It increases their personal exemptions.

d. They must itemize their deductions.

18. Gordon and Ellen want to avoid having a balance due next year. Gordon can submit a Form W4-P to have tax withheld on his pension.

a. True

b. False

19. Gordon and Ellen are not required to make a shared responsibility payment on Form 1040, page 2.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 8: Valerie Sinclair

Using the tax software, complete the tax return, including Form 1040 and all appropriate forms, schedules, or worksheets. Answer the questions following the scenario.

Note: When entering Social Security numbers (SSNs) or Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), replace the Xs as directed, or with any four digits of your choice.

Interview Notes

Valerie's husband, Donald, died in March 2015. She has not remarried. They have two sons, Ethan and Patrick, who lived with her all year.

Valerie paid more than half of Patrick's support and all of the cost of keeping up the home.

Her son, Ethan, is permanently and totally disabled. He received disability income that provided more than half of his own support.

Valerie lost her job on October 20, 2016 and received unemployment income.

She cashed in her 401(k) savings and used the money for household expenses. She does not qualify for any exception to the additional tax on early distributions.

Her son, Patrick, attended after-school care while Valerie worked.

Valerie and Patrick had health insurance through Valerie's employer until the end of October. They did not enroll in any other coverage until January 2017. Ethan had MEC all year through Medicaid.

Basic Scenario 8: Test Questions

20. Which allowable fling status is most advantageous to Valerie?

a. Single

b. Head of Household

c. Qualifying Widow(er)

d. Married Filing Jointly

21. Ethan is Valerie's qualifying child for which of the following benefits?

a. Exemption for a dependent

b. Child tax credit

c. Earned income credit

d. None of the above

22. What is the total federal income tax withholding for Valerie's tax return? $________.

23. What is Valerie's credit for child and dependent care expenses shown in the tax and credits section of her tax return?

a. $336

b. $352

c. $368

d. $384

24. Valerie and Patrick did not have Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) for two months of the tax year. How does this affect her tax return?

a. She must complete Form 8965 to claim the short coverage gap exemption.

b. She must make a Shared Responsibility Payment for herself.

c. She must make a Shared Responsibility Payment for herself and Patrick.

d. None of the above.

25. What is the amount of additional tax on the distribution from Valerie's 401(k), shown in the Other Taxes section of Form 1040?

a. $0

b. $130

c. $260

d. $520

Basic Scenario 9: Justin Reedley


Using the tax software, complete the tax return, including Form 1040 and all appropriate forms, schedules, or worksheets. Answer the questions following the scenario.

Note: When entering Social Security numbers (SSNs) or Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), replace the Xs as directed, or with any four digits of your choice.

Interview Notes

Justin's wife moved out in 2014. Justin will not file a joint return with his wife.

Justin paid all the costs of keeping up the home. His daughter, Sierra, did not work and provided less than 50% of her own support.

Justin has never taken a distribution from a retirement account and is not a student.

In 2016, Sierra was a first year student at Yuma College, an eligible educational institution. She is pursuing a degree in Business. Sierra used her savings and the proceeds of a student loan to purchase course-related books from the campus bookstore for $1,000, pay $3,200 for room and board, and pay the $1,800 tuition not covered by her scholarship. Sierra does not have a felony drug conviction.

Sierra lived in a dorm on campus during the school year. Sierra lived with Justin before she started attending college and during school breaks.

The terms of Sierra's scholarship state that it must be used to pay qualified tuition.

Justin wants to know if he has enough deductions to itemize. He gives you receipts and statements for the following items he would like to deduct:

  • Unreimbursed doctor bills for Justin for $300.
  • Unreimbursed prescription drugs for $1,400.
  • Over the counter vitamins for $150.
  • Safe deposit box for $200.
  • A statement received from his church showing donations made throughout the year totaling $1,500.
  • Receipt for donation of furniture in good, used condition to Goodwill. The estimated fair market value is $240.
  • $100 given to a friend for her medical bill.
  • Form 1098 showing mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premiums and real estate tax he paid.
  • $1,200 for homeowner's insurance.

Justin is repaying a student loan from his technical school education. The loan was for qualified education expenses at an eligible institution.

Justin and Sierra were covered all year under a health care plan through Justin's employer. The employer paid the entire premium.

Justin did not itemize deductions last year.

Basic Scenario 9: Test Questions

26. What is the total of Justin's itemized deductions on Schedule A, line 29?

a. $10,692

b. $12,406

c. $12,646

d. $13,246

27. Can Justin claim Head of Household fling status?

a. Yes, because Justin is considered unmarried, has a qualifying person and meets all the other required tests.

b. Yes, anyone who pays all the costs of keeping up their home can claim Head of Household fling status.

c. No, because Sierra did not live at home the whole year.

d. No, because Justin is married.

28. To compute the American opportunity credit, which of Sierra's following expenses qualify?

a. Tuition and fees paid by the scholarship

b. Room and board

c. Course-related books

d. All of the above

29. What is Justin's retirement savings contributions credit? $________

30. What is the amount of Justin's student loan interest deduction from Form 1040, page 1? $________.

Basic Course Retest Questions

Basic Scenario 1: Calvin Albright

Interview Notes

Calvin is 22 years old, single, and a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number.

On Calvin's Intake and Interview sheet, he answered "Unsure" to the question, "Can anyone claim you or your spouse on their tax return?"

During the interview with Calvin, you determine the following facts:

  • Calvin was a full-time student during 2016.
  • He earned $7,000 in wages and had interest income of $10 from a savings account.
  • He lived with his parents all year, but they told him they will not claim him on their 2016 return. Calvin's parents are required to file a return.
  • Calvin does not provide more than half of his own support.

Basic Scenario 1: Retest Questions

1. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Calvin must claim 0 exemptions, because his income is less than $10,000.

b. Calvin must claim 0 exemptions, because his parents can claim him as a dependent on their tax return.

c. Calvin can claim 1 exemption, because he had earned income.

d. Calvin can claim 1 exemption, because his parents have decided not to claim him.

2. Using Publication 4012, Who Must File tab, Chart B, is Calvin required to file a tax return?

a. Yes

b. No

Basic Scenario 2: Dana Glendale

Interview Notes

Dana is 32, unmarried, and earned $40,000 in wages.

Dana's 67-year-old single father, Tom, lives in his own apartment in Seattle.

Dana provided more than half of her father's support and all the cost of keeping up her father's home.

Tom's only income was $6,800 in Social Security benefits.

None of Tom's Social Security income is taxable, and he is not required to file a tax return.

Dana had qualified employee health insurance coverage for all of 2016. Tom had Medicare Parts A and B coverage all year.

Dana and Tom are U.S. citizens and have valid Social Security numbers.

Basic Scenario 2: Retest Questions

3. Dana's most advantageous allowable fling status is Single.

a. True

b. False

4. Who has health insurance coverage that qualifies as minimum essential coverage?

a. Only Dana

b. Only Tom

c. Both Dana and Tom

d. Neither Dana nor Tom

Basic Scenario 3: Julia Hillsdale

Interview Notes

Julia is 46 and made $32,000 in wages in 2016. She is single and pays all the cost of keeping up her home.

Julia's daughter, Beth, lived with Julia all year.

Beth is 27, single, and had no income in 2016. She is not disabled.

Beth's baby, Piper, was born in November 2015. Piper lived in Julia's home since birth.

Julia provides more than half of the support for both Beth and Piper.

Julia, Beth, and Piper are all U.S. citizens with valid Social Security numbers.

Basic Scenario 3: Retest Questions

5. Julia can claim Piper as a dependent.

a. True

b. False

6. Julia has no qualifying children for the earned income credit.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 4: Everett and Catherine Brescia

Interview Notes

Everett and Catherine lived in the U.S. all year and have Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs). They are not U.S. citizens and are not lawfully present in the U.S.

Everett, age 24, and Catherine, age 22, are married and want to file a joint return.

They have one child, Emory, who is 3 years old and lived with them all year.

Everett earned $32,000 in wages. They had no other income.

Everett and Catherine provided all the support for Emory.

Emory has a Social Security number and is a U.S. citizen.

Everett and Catherine did not have any health insurance in 2016. Emory had minimum essential coverage (MEC) all year.

Basic Scenario 4: Retest Questions

7. Review Publication 4012, ACA tab, the Coverage Exemptions chart. Because they did not have health insurance, Everett and Catherine must make a shared responsibility payment.

a. True

b. False

8. Everett and Catherine are not eligible to claim the earned income credit.

a. True

b. False

9. Everett and Catherine may claim Emory as a dependent and as a qualifying child for the child tax credit on their return.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 5: Ed Bard and Kara Crowder

Interview Notes

Ed and Kara, both 24 years old, are not married. They lived together all year.

Kara had $5,000 in earned income during 2016. Ed earned $30,000 in wages.

Ed has two children from a previous relationship; Jason is 5 years old, and Trevor is 3.

Jason and Trevor lived with Ed and Kara for all of 2016.

Jason and Trevor did not provide over half of their own support.

Ed paid all the rent, utilities, groceries, and other household expenses. Kara paid none of the household expenses.

Ed, Kara, Jason, and Trevor are all U.S. citizens with valid Social Security numbers.

Basic Scenario 5: Retest Questions

10. Ed and Kara can both file as Head of Household on their individual returns.

a. True

b. False

11. Who qualifies to claim earned income credit?

a. Only Ed

b. Only Kara

c. Both Ed and Kara

d. Neither Ed nor Kara

Basic Scenario 6: Linda Findlay

Interview Notes

Linda is married but did not live with or have contact with her spouse this tax year. She does not know where he is. She indicated on her intake sheet that she is not legally separated.

Linda does not have children or any other dependents.

Linda worked as a clerk and earned $47,000 in wages. She had no other income.

In 2016, she took a computer class at the community college to improve her job skills.

She has a student account statement showing she paid $900 for tuition.

She paid $300 for a course book that she ordered from an online bookseller. Purchase of the book was not a requirement of enrollment.

She also paid $50 for a parking permit that was not a requirement of enrollment.

Linda does not have enough deductions to itemize.

Linda is a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number.

Basic Scenario 6: Retest Questions

12. Linda's fling status is Single.

a. True

b. False

13. Linda is eligible to claim the lifetime learning credit.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 7: Retest Questions


Read the scenario information for Gordon Ferris and Ellen Mercer beginning on page 31.

14. Because Gordon has an Identity Protection PIN, Gordon and Ellen must file a paper return.

a. True

b. False

15. The $9 of savings account interest is required to be included on the return even though no Form 1099-INT was issued.

a. True

b. False

16. The taxable amount of Gordon's Social Security income is $7,402.

a. True

b. False

17. Gordon is over 65. Therefore, what is the amount of their standard deduction?

a. $15,100

b. $13,850

c. $12,600

d. $9,300

18. Gordon and Ellen want to avoid having a balance due next year. Which of the following can they do?

a. They can make estimated tax payments.

b. Gordon can submit Form W-4P to have taxes withheld from his pension.

c. Ellen can submit Form W-4 to have additional tax withheld from her pay.

d. All of the above

19. Is there a shared responsibility payment on Gordon and Ellen's Form 1040, page 2?

a. Yes

b. No

Basic Scenario 8: Retest Questions


Read the information for Valerie Sinclair beginning on page 40.

20. Is Head of Household the most advantageous allowable fling status Valerie can use?

a. Yes

b. No

21. Valerie can claim Ethan as a qualifying child for the earned income credit.

a. True

b. False

22. What is the total federal income tax withholding on Valerie's tax return?

a. $3,120

b. $2,820

c. $2,600

d. $2,300

23. What is Valerie's credit for child and dependent care expenses shown in the tax and credits section of her tax return? $________.

24. Valerie and Patrick qualify for the short coverage gap exemption.

a. True

b. False

25. Valerie must pay a 10% additional tax on the distribution from her 401(k) because she is under 59 1/2 years old and does not qualify for an exception.

a. True

b. False

Basic Scenario 9: Retest Questions


Read the information for Justin Reedley, beginning on page 49.

26. Justin's total for itemized deductions on Schedule A, line 29 is $12,646.

a. True

b. False

27. Justin must file Married Filing Separately.

a. True

b. False

28. Room and board costs are qualifying expenses for the American opportunity credit.

a. True

b. False

29. The amount of Justin's retirement savings contributions credit shown in the tax and credits section on page 2 of Form 1040 is $400.

a. True

b. False

30. Justin's student loan interest deduction from Form 1040, page 1 is $700.

a. True

b. False

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