
Who argues that religion is a human construction as


Question 1

Religions that remain tied to the original people and location from which they developed are called:

a. Christianity

b. Islam

c. Taoism

d. Indigenous sacred ways

Question 2

Who argues that religion is a human construction, as idealized perfection?

a. Streng

b. Feuerbach

c. Daly

d. Nishitani

Question 3

Who believed that religion is a vital personal quest all must face when confronted with the possible meaninglessness of life?

a. Sterng

b. Feuerbach

c. Daly

d. Nishitani

Question 4

Who defined religion as "a means toward ultimate transformation"?

a. Sreng

b. Feuerbach

c. Daly

d. Nishtani

Question 5

Frederick Streng thought that studies of religion are impoverished if they _______.

a. neglect the variety of religious beliefs

b. are restricted to academic concerns

c. compare apples and oranges

d. neglect people's actual beliefs

Question 6

What does it mean to say that a religion may not be theistic?

a. it may not posit any gods

b. it may be restricted to one culture

c. it may have no one set of rules

d. it may not be attractive to all people

Question 7

Feuerbach's overall project was to _______.

a. study religions comparatively

b. argue against the existence of God

c. undermine religious belief

d. create a secular basis for religion

Question 8

Keiji Nishitani thought that the main function of religion is to _______.

a. help people overcome deficiencies

b. provide meaning to life

c. give people a sense of belonging

d. provide a set of ethical rules

Question 9

Hinduism considers ultimate reality to be _______.

a. the god

b. the self

c. unknowable

d. always changing

Question 10

Daoism is focused on the goal of _______.

a. seeking after truth

b. coming into harmony with reality

c. relieving one's suffering

d. being free of one's desires.

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Dissertation: Who argues that religion is a human construction as
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