
Who are your greatest competitors in the market which is


Part I

Interview your company for parts 5 and 6 (review the Potential Interview Questions document in the Resources) of the project and submit a summary of the interview based on the questions you established in the third assignment in Unit 1 and on the requirements for the fifth and sixth project components.

Part Three: Product Design

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

1.What is the product or service?
2.How do they complete their product or service?
3.How do they design their product or service?
4.Make a flow chart.

Provide some starter questions regards process. Also, there were should be questions around understanding relationship between strategy and operations.

Part Five: JIT Analysis

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

1.How do they receive their components or materials for their product or service?
2.Do they have alliances or partnerships with other companies?
3.Do they have JIT and how do they use it?
4.How are the component parts integrated into the business process?

Part Six: Facilities Analysis

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

1.Where are their plants located? Are they close to customers and materials? Transportation? Other essentials?
2.What type of technology do they use throughout their company? Is there MRP, CADCAM, SAP, or other technology?
3.Do they have any controls or systems to control their inventory?

Part II

Interview plan

Tiffine. Bourland Business

This paper explores on an interview plan for the interview to be conducted on Mrs. Juliane Anderson a Store Team Lead (STL) for Target Corporation, a retail company. Target has: 1,799 stores in the United States 38 distribution centers in the United States 347,000 team members worldwide online business at target.com global locations in India

The questions formulated for the interview are based on management and were formulated using Galbraith's star model framework (Galbraith, 2012).

Formulated questions for the interview

What strategy has enabled you to attain the volume of success you have?
What is the state of the market environment in management consultancy?
Who are your greatest competitors in the market?
Which is the most important strategy for ensuring competitive advantage over competitors in the market?
What is the most significant step taken in the past that has enabled the company get to the point it is today?
How do you promote innovation in the company to keep up with emerging trends in the market?
What measures has the company taken to ensure motivation of employees to facilitate achievement of objectives by the organization?
What do you consider as the most effective strategy for engaging employees?
Where do you see the company in 5 years?
What are the major challenges that you and the company have faced in the industry?
What are the threats you anticipate in the industry in future?
What change would you make in management around the world if given the chance?


Galbraith, J. R. (2012). The future of organization design. Journal of Organization Design, 1(1).

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Business Management: Who are your greatest competitors in the market which is
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