Identify at least one potential online site to study for your final paper. You will provide some basic information on this site or sites and begin to formulate research questions and hypotheses about what you might find in your digital research.
Describing your proposed site:
• What is the site you plan on studying? How do you define the borders of this site?
• Who are the people you expect to find using this digital site? How much do you know about them?
• When will you study this site? How often?
• How will you study this site and its users? Content analysis? Interviews? Ethnographic Participation?
• How easily will your site be understood to the average reader? Will you need to provide background information on your site in your paper?
Formulating a research question:
• What do you hope to learn from studying this site? What topics will your research touch on? Think of some questions that your research might be able to answer or help answer.