
Who are the key players in the state for marijuana issue




Two popular secondary sources (these critique or discuss sports or related: no from class readings) One source that is either a book or from a database

One additional source (and only one) can be one of the handouts given in class.

This paper will focus on exploring either: 1) a theme in sports, such as race, heroism, teamwork, class, nationalism, nostalgia, or misogyny; or 2) the role that Title IX has had on sports, education and gender equity (yes, two very different general topics!).

If you choose to explore a theme in sports, you should use a film as one of your popular sources. The film will show or explore how race, heroism, teamwork, class, nationalism, nostalgia, or misogyny are part of how we imagine and play sports-it will back up and parallel what you are exploring thematically. In addition, you could use Baker to further explore the significance of the theme you have chosen. FYI, many of the better sports films have commentary and articles about them, so make use of these sources too.

If you choose to examine Title IX, you could start with Buchanan (article is on webcampus) or Grindstaff and West (also on webcampus), then look at the impact this legislation has had on college sports and/or education and/or professional sports and/or the ways that women are accepted and/or understood in relation to society as a whole. Title IX has had a profound impact on our society and has been the source of much discussion, so there are a lot of commentary, videos, and articles about it. Please make use of these sources.

Develop your interpretation by addressing specific elements of this challenge: use popular sources available online along with a scholarly source available on a database (or in a book) in order to flesh out your discussion.

Keep in mind that you should use strong narrative flow here-do not bore us only with stats, etc. explain them-show us a good story!


Make your introduction interesting

Provide a distinct thesis or premise to guide and organize your paper.

Provide Context for all quotes

Express the authors' ideas and/or examples (quote them-required!)

Explain your understanding and your interpretations

Use MLA citation format for quotes

Remember to use quotes from sources to support your argument.

Here is an excellent website for MLA format: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/


Research Plan and Alternative Policies for legalization of marijuana in NJ -- Explain your research plan; Present two or three alternative policies to address the problem; explain advantages and disadvantages of each alternative policy presented; identify controversies and conflicts that need to be addressed for each alternative plan.

Marijuana: 1) Who are the key players in the state re: this issue? 2) Review proposed bills; 3) Examine local organizations - what are their positions?

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