
Who are the federal, state, and local policymakers involved

Specific Requirements: Talking to the Legislator

Question 1: Review what has been done in the past by others regarding your chosen healthcare policy issue. What was the result of their actions related to this policy issue? Why is this issue important to nursing?

Question 2: Who are the federal, state, and local policymakers involved in your chosen policy issue?

How can you contact your policymaker? Be sure you single out a policymaker whom you know is interested in your issue.

Question 3: What will be the plan for your presentation to the policymaker? When, where, and how?

Question 4: What is the message you want to give to your selected policymaker/legislator? Can you present a compelling 'story'? Can you convey your passion and experience with the policy issue? Can you present basic research data in an easy-to-understand and interesting way? What are you asking? What are you recommending? Please review the examples of a policy brief in your text or on the American Nurses Association website.

What are your expectations of the policymaker and for your visit/presentation in general?

Question 5: How do you plan to convey your message? What considerations must you have in place with respect to time constraints, availability of policymaker, and contingency plans?

Question 6: Can you include a presentation using PowerPoint, flip chart, or overheads in some way (email or mail ahead of the call)? Include the actual presentation slides (max of 5 slides) in your final course presentation due week 7 (total 15 slides). What information (i.e. handouts) will you leave with the policymaker?

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Other Subject: Who are the federal, state, and local policymakers involved
Reference No:- TGS03280471

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