
Whitman covered many topics in his poetry including war

Question: Whitman covered many topics in his poetry, including war, slavery, sexuality, love, Abraham Lincoln, death, America as a nation, America's role in the world, individual freedom, and family, to name a few. For this response select a poem or poems that addresses one of the topics listed above and analyze it according to how well you believe Whitman addressed the issue. Consider clarity of message, how he used language, word choice/diction, punctuation, sentence patterns, sentence length, etc. Ultimately, your response should decide the quality of the poem(s) you have selected.

Choose 1-2 poem from the following to analysis: "One's Self I Sing" "As I Pondered in Silence" "I Sing the Body Electric" "A Woman Waits for Me" "O Me! O Life!" "Beat! Beat! Drums!" "The Centenarian's Story" "Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night" "A Sight in Daybreak Grey and Dim" "The Woundresser" "Over the Carnage Rose Prophetic a Voice" "O Captain My Captain" "Hushed be the Camps Today" "To One Shortly to Die" "So Long!" ""Goodbye my Fancy!"


1. simple English.

2. no outside resources

3. MLA citation

4. choose poems from the list.

5. third person

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