Front matter - check requirements
(Separate pages)
Beginning of report:
Whilst there is no mark allocation associated for the Executive Summary & Intro in this assignment (ie. we had a mark allocation for Assignment 1, to ensure students made an effort in preparing an Executive Summary & Intro...and doing well in that space), both are required in Assignment 2. Please remember that an Executive Summary is a SUMMARY of the whole report, which includes any results.
Part A - Question 1:
Give examples of entrepreneurial traits; explain these traits using sound academic references; explain how these traits are linked to Nick Woodman, a key actor in the case study.
Part A - Question 2: Presentevidence from the GoPro case study that either supports and/or refutes Drucker's statement? You can choose to support or refute - it's your choice - but whatever stance you take, make sure it is supported in evidence
Part B - Question 1: Firstly, note that large mark allocation for Part B questions - 30 marks each. Hence, this is where you should spend most of your time (and word length allocation) in your paper. How did GoPro gain a competitive advantage from their marketing processes? Please use theoretical foundations as the basis for your analysis ie. use theoretical models or concepts in the unit to support your argument
Part B - Question 2: The caseidentifies future threats to the company's strategy. Give recommendations on how GoPro should respond to this, using theoretical foundations. Maybe SWOT? Does GoPro (as a company) have certain strengths to overcome the noted threats? New opportunities? etc
Conclusion - sum up key points from each body of report; no new information in the conclusion! (no mark allocation, but required)