
While visiting the albert michelson exhibit at clark

While visiting the Albert Michelson exhibit at Clark University, you notice that a chandelier (which looks remarkably like a simple pendulum) swings back and forth in the breeze once every T = 6.6 seconds.

(a) Calculate the frequency of oscillation (in Hertz) of the chandelier.

(b) Calculate the angular frequency w of the chandelier in radians/second.

(c) Determine the length L in meters of the chandelier.

(d) That evening while hanging out in J.J. Thompson's House O'Blues, you notice that there is a chandelier identicle in every way to the one at the Michelson exhibit except this one swings back and forth 0.1 seconds slower, so the period is T + 0.01 seconds. Determine the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2 at the club.

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Physics: While visiting the albert michelson exhibit at clark
Reference No:- TGS0615027

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