
while using ftp what is wildcard expansion in

While using FTP what is wildcard expansion in file names?

To make this easy for users to identify a set of file names, FTP permits a remote computer system to perform usual file name expansion. The user enters an abbreviation that FTP expands to generate a valid file name. In contractions, a wildcard character stands for zero or more characters. Several computer systems utilize the asterisk _* as a wildcard. On these systems, the abbreviation l i*

Matches all file names which begin with the prefix l i. Therefore, if a remote computer consist the six files:

Dark light lonely crab link tuft

FTP will expand the abbreviation l i* to two names: link. and light File name expansion can be particularly useful with commands mget or mput since expansion makes this possible to give a large set of files without entering all files name explicitly.

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Computer Engineering: while using ftp what is wildcard expansion in
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