
While reading pay special attention to the levels of

  • Review the assigned reading to prepare for this discussion.
  • Read Romans 12:4-5 (opens in a new window) and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 (opens in a new window) from an objective viewpoint. 

While reading, pay special attention to the levels of structural organization and the structural components of the body. Keep in mind that the highest level of organization is the organism, the living human being. As the textbook says, the organismal level represents the sum total of all structural levels working together to promote life.


  1. Discuss the parallels between the organization of the human body and Paul's metaphor of the Body of Christ.
  2. What do you think Paul meant in 1 Corinthians 12:22(opens in a new window)?

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Dissertation: While reading pay special attention to the levels of
Reference No:- TGS02496864

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