
While planning an organizations corporate strategy what can


Respond to Discussion Questions with 150-200 words. In your efforts to provide the answers, I would like to encourage you to also use personal experiences in your responses. Also, cite information from your text to support your answer.

1. Verschoor (2003) noted, "Studies have provided evidence that organizational commitment to a code of conduct that stresses open communications and concern for ethical behavior is beneficial, in today's post-Enron era. The focus on effective governance, management accountants, and financial managers should emphasize actions promoting ethical behavior that can preserve assets and thus, improve profits" (p.1). Leadership within an organization creates the moral culture that fosters ethical behavior and sound decision making that creates longevity in an organization's existence. The impact leadership has on moral culture is, leadership that practices ethical behavior attracts moral individuals. Companies that portray a high sense of morality, tend to create a more family atmosphere to which employees can relate to in their personal family life and practices. Moral leadership influences ethical behavior, and a moral culture among employees adds value to the existence of an organization.

Verschoor, C.C. (2003, May). New evidence of benefits from effective ethics systems. Strategic Finance, 84(11), 20-22. Retrieved on October 12, 2006, from The University of Phoenix ProQuest database.

1. What are some ways corporations can improve their ethics program?

2. Moral leadership influences ethical behavior, and a moral culture among employees adds value to the existence of an organization. The important lesson for corporate leaders is that building a moral culture for the long-term, which will involve developing, maintaining, and transmitting moral traditions, will result in a healthy atmosphere within the workplace (Feldman, 2006). While planning an organization's corporate strategy, what can management implement to increase ethics awareness? Who set the ethical tone in an organization and Why?

Feldman, S.P. (2006, Spring). Moral memory: Why and how moral companies manage tradition. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(4), 395-409. Retrieved June 2, 2007, from https://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/198074895/1304B662F3A49BF245B/1?

2. While planning an organization's corporate strategy, what can management implement to increase ethics awareness? Who set the ethical tone in an organization and Why?

3. Many leadership theories have been developed that incorporate theories involving ethics and corporate governance. When relating to ethics and leadership in business, ethics is often thought of the result of the outcome a business can produce to enrich their stakeholder's value. Leaders within an organization are encouraged to act as a role model by directing the ethical tone of the organization because followers will interpret the actions of their leaders as indicators of appropriate behavior (Abramson, 2006). Leadership within an organization creates the moral culture that fosters ethical behavior and sound decision making that creates longevity in an organization's existence.

Abramson, N.R. (2006, September). The leadership archetype: A jungian analysis of similarities between modern leadership theory and the abraham myth in the judaic christian tradition. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(2), 115-129. Retrieved June 2, 2007, from https://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/198210255/1304B68359349F19250/1?

3. What leadership theory and leadership characteristics do you think can foster a sound ethical program?

4. Some characteristics of transformational leaders may include; charisma, task, and relationship oriented, highly ethical and inspiring intellectual leaders. According to Bass (1985), as cited by Banerji and Krishnan (2000), "There are four features that distinguish transformational leaders; charisma, inspirational leadership, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration" (p. 4). These features are what form the organizational culture and establish the moral foundation among the company's people. Leaders generally dictate the organization's environment, set the tone for what ethical practices the organization will adopt, and the leadership governs the process through its entirety.

Banerji, P., &Krishnan, V. R. (2000). Ethical preferences of transformational leaders: An empirical investigation. Leadership &Organization Development Journal, 21(8), 405-413.

4. What are some practices can organizations perform to create an ethical organization?

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Business Management: While planning an organizations corporate strategy what can
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