
While not always the standard method of acquiring knowledge


Statement of Purpose or "Why Am I Doing This?"

Historical programming is a popular method of introducing individuals to the past in a way that is interesting and visually appealing. While not always the standard method of acquiring knowledge, these tools can provide an overview of a topic that stimulates further research. This assignment allows youto address a particular topic, practice writing skills, and hone research skills that will be necessary in future academic endeavors.

Completing This Assignment:

• Go to the American History in Video database and view the video you chose in the Pre-Assignment:

o https://ahiv.alexanderstreet.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/Playlists/408827

o Note:If you experience technical difficulties with the playback of your video, contact the instructor before contacting the IT HelpDesk.

• After viewingthe video, write a 1-2-page summary of the entire content. No analysis or commentary is necessary; only provide a synopsis of the material.

o Your paper must be typed in a Microsoft Word (or compatible) document, be double-spaced, be in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch margins.

o Write your summaryin your own words and proofread your work to eliminate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization errors.

Review the Writing Tips document to avoid common errors in academic work.

• No quotations, citations, or footnotes are required for this assignment.

• Following the summary, construct a bibliography of sources directly related to the specific topic covered in the video.

o In the event the video covers more than 1 specific topic, choose 1 on which to focus yourbibliography.

o Example: If you viewa video on the Battle of Gettysburg, you must choose sources for your bibliography that address the Battle of Gettysburg, not the Civil War. Although they are broadly related, the connection must be more focused.

o Your bibliography mustinclude:

- 5 scholarly books found using the library search engine and/or WorldCat
- 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles found using JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, or Academic OneFile

o Use current Turabian format to create your bibliography.

o You do not need to read or otherwise summarize your sources, but you must research themenoughto make sure they are directly related to the video summarized and are scholarly in nature.

• You must use the template for the assignment providedin Blackboard.

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History: While not always the standard method of acquiring knowledge
Reference No:- TGS01593679

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