
While jane is out of town on vacation john paints janes

1. The UCC, Article 2, is binding:
A. Under Federal Law
B. Under State criminal law
C. In all states except Louisiana
D. Binding on all 50 states

2. John is Jane's neighbor. While Jane is out of town on vacation, John paints Jane's house because the paint is chipping and he finds the "puke pink" color to be an eyesore. In an action against Jane to recover for his time, John will:

A. Win under a theory of implied contract
B. Win under a theory of express contract
C. Win under a theory of quasi contract
D. Not win

3. Jane goes to Sleazy Used Cars to buy a car. The dealer tells her the car has 40,000 miles on it when in fact it actually has 140,000 miles. In a suit by Jane against Sleazy, the contract will be considered:

A. Void
B. Voidable
C. Unenforceable
D. Unilateral

4. Bill really likes Jane and tells her that he will give her his 1998 Honda Accord. When Jane comes to Bill's dorm room, he says that he changed his mind. The transaction between Bill and Jane is best described as a:

A. express contract
B. implied contract
C. quasi-contract
D. offer of a gift

5. John has been verbally promised $10,000 by the ABC Company if can swim across the Mississippi in March in Winona, MN. John travels from St. Louis and is just getting ready to start swimming when ABC revokes their offer. Assuming the contract is unenforceable, John's best legal theory against ABC is:

A. promissory estoppel
B. quasi-contract
C. the Mail Box Rule
D. fraud in the execution

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Business Law and Ethics: While jane is out of town on vacation john paints janes
Reference No:- TGS02505521

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