Part A: Clash of Cultures in South, Central and North America
complete the grid by describing the characteristics listed in the left-side column for the five groups named.
Native Americans
Spanish Colonies
French Colonies
British Colonies
Location in the Americas
Ignore this box as they are all over
What were the reasons this country explored and colonized in the Americas
Ignore this box
Economic Structure (this refers to how people and/or the mother country made money)
Political Structure (this refers to how the government was run)
Cultural Values and Daily Life
Religion and the impact of religion on their settlements
Part B: While it is important to understand why and how the different European empires colonized the Americas, this course focuses on the United States and its colonial origins. You are now going to write a 350-word essay in which you examine the following topic about how the groups clashed in British North America:
- The early anti-slavery movement
Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines