
While information from internal selection can be better

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Interest inventories are designed to improve person job match by assessing applicant preferences for different types of work. Research suggests that these inventories ____. 

A. are about as predictive of job performance as ability tests

B. are more predictive of job performance than ability tests

C. are not strongly predictive of job performance

D. are prohibited by law 

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a typical unstructured interview? 

A. It is usually carefully planned.

B. The interviewer makes a quick and final evaluation of the candidate.

C. It consists of formal, objective questioning.

D. The interviewer is highly prepared.

3. Which of the following is a source of error or bias in unstructured interviews? 

A. Low reliability between interviewers.

B. Nonverbal cues from interviewees influence interview ratings.

C. Primacy effects.

D. All of the above are true. 

4. The first step of the structured interview process is __________. 

A. selecting and training interviewers

B. developing the selection plan

C. consulting the job requirements matrix

D. developing selection goals 

5. The type of structured interview that assesses an applicant's ability to project what his/her behavior would be in the future is the ____________ interview. 

A. situational

B. experience-based

C. projective

D. KSAO-based

6. Which of the following is(are) true based on research regarding interviews? 

A. The validity of structured interviews is low.

B. Situational interviews are less valid than job-related interviews.

C. Panel interviews were less valid than individual interviews.

D. All of the above are true.

7. The correlation between structured interviews and cognitive ability tests is ____________. 

A. positive

B. zero

C. moderately negative

D. very negative

8. Applicants' reactions to interviews tend to be _________. 

A. very favorable

B. somewhat favorable

C. neutral

D. somewhat unfavorable 

9. Selection for team contexts ____. 

A. is not much different than for selection in general

B. should emphasize both interpersonal and self-management KSAOs

C. should not involve members of the team, because that only leads to resentment

D. all of the above 

10. Which of the following is true regarding drug testing? 

A. Applicants were twice as likely to be tested for alcohol use as drug use.

B. The rate of drug testing has declined slightly in recent years.

C. Upper-level employees are more likely to be tested than lower-level employees.

D. All of the above are true. 

11. Which of the following is a recommendation for the use of drug testing programs? 

A. Drug testing should be done with all jobs.

B. Do not inform applicants of the test results.

C. Provide rejected applicants with an opportunity to appeal.

D. All of the above 

12. Drug tests are not common for many jobs because _____. 

A. drug tests do not "catch" many people

B. the law essentially bans drug tests for all jobs not involving operating a vehicle

C. drug tests are extremely expensive

D. the tests produce a massive number of false positive results 

13. Organizations may not ______ prior to making a job offer. 

A. make medical inquiries

B. conduct background checks

C. discuss job responsibilities

D. none of the above

14. The best description of UGESP is that they are _____. 

A. regulations for drug testing in the workplace

B. a set of federal regulations related to selection systems as covered by the Civil Rights Act

C. a set of regulations relating only to disabled individuals

D. regulations that deal only with gender equity and job selection

15. The UGESP requires employers to ____. 

A. keep records based on religion and marital status for all employees

B. perform a local validation study for every subgroup of employees

C. consider suitable alternative selection procedures if one of the selection techniques has adverse impact

D. assess employee history of drug abuse 

16. Which of the following items is a major principle pertaining to selection under the Americans with Disabilities Act? 

A. It is unlawful to screen out individuals with disabilities unless the procedure is consistent with a business necessity

B. It is unlawful to screen out individuals with disabilities for any reason

C. It is unlawful for employers to require employees to physical agility tests in a selection context

D. The employer can retain the right to refuse to hire individuals with disabilities if customers have a strong preference for not encountering disabled staff 

17. Which of the following inquiries can be made prior to giving a job offer? 

A. Questions about history of illegal drug use

B. Psychological exams designed to detect mental illness

C. Oral or written questions about the existence of a disability

D. None of the above

18. In comparing internal selection with external selection, an advantage of internal selection is that ________. 

A. internal selection requires few procedures to locate and screen viable job candidates

B. internal selection presents fewer dangers of incurring legal liability than external selection

C. information about internal candidates tends to be more verifiable than information about external candidates

D. there is less need to use multiple predictors in assessing internal candidates than with external candidates 

19. Within the context of internal selection, an accurate statement about the logic of prediction would be that _____________. 

A. the logic of prediction can be applied more precisely for internal selection than for external selection

B. the logic of prediction has identical application for internal and external selection

C. the logic of prediction works better for external selection than for internal selection

D. this concept does not apply to internal selection 

20. While information from internal selection can be better because multiple point of view can be combined, there are concerns that _____________. 

A. bribery for promotions is widespread

B. impression management and politics can play a role in who gets promoted

C. internal candidates with poor technical skills are likely to be promoted

D. instincts and intuition are not given enough weight

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HR Management: While information from internal selection can be better
Reference No:- TGS0792372

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