Gov. Patrick ran on a platform of change. He was a persuasive orator and convinced voters that a new voice was required to change the status quo of politics in Massachusetts. Upon running for re-election, he again convinced voters that he was the right person to continue the change process. Gov. Baker also ran on a platform of change and that continues to be his central theme.
President Obama also ran on a platform of change, and delivered many speeches on his position while in office. Change seemed to be the battle cry across all candidates. President Trump used colorful terminology during his campaign to hammer on the change theme. "Draining the Swamp" was just one phrase he often repeated.
While I realize this may be very subjected and perhaps controversial, please use these public figures as your focal individuals and discuss why symbolic leadership needs to be balanced by other leadership perspectives in order to meet organizational needs. Bring as many aspects of our chapter reading assignment as you feel applies into your discussion. Please bring at least two outside web sources (cites required) to support your contentions. How does impression management play into this?