
While current liabilities include 25 million in short-term

1. Zorgon Intergalactic Mining Corporation has current assets of $200 million and current liabilities of $100 million. Current assets include cash and marketable securities of $50 million, while current liabilities include $25 million in short-term debt. what the net working capital and the noncash working capital?

a. $200 million, $100 million

b. $200 million, $75 million

c. $100 million, $75 million

d. $50 million, $25 million

2. Kianna opens a savings account with 6% interest which compounds monthly. Her initial deposit is $1,000, and at the end of every year she deposits an additional $240. If she’s able to maintain that rate of saving and the interest rate remains the same, she will have $ 26,112.88/26112.88 in the account 30 years from now.

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Financial Management: While current liabilities include 25 million in short-term
Reference No:- TGS02851151

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