
Which would be the least appropriate

Discussion Post: Focus- Qualitative Approaches to IT Research

Qualitative research approaches are often used by researchers to understand human behavior and perspectives. Some qualitative approaches can be more effective in addressing certain types of research questions and types of inquiry. This is important to consider as you plan your doctoral study since you will have to choose a qualitative approach for your study. Keep in mind that one of your objectives in your doctoral study is to conduct research that could be applied in practice; that is, you should aim to be action-oriented in your research. Your choice of qualitative approach can be impacted by this focus on engaging in research that will affect change in everyday IT practice.

In this Discussion, you will examine which qualitative approaches are most effective for applied research in the IT field, focusing on the five qualitative approaches to inquiry presented in the Creswell (2013) text.

A. Review:

a. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

i. Chapter 1, "Introduction"
ii. Chapter 3, "Designing a Qualitative Study"
iii. Chapter 4, "Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry" (pp. 102-106)

b. The "Research Design Considerations Flowchart" document

c. The "FAQs to Accompany the Research Design Considerations Flowchart" document

d. The "Preparing a Good Qualitative Study Within the Walden DIT Context" document

e. The "FAQs to Accompany Preparing a Good Qualitative Study" document

B. View:

a. The Research Design Considerations Flowchart Tutorial media piece. (This complements the diagram.)

C. Consider:

a. Of the five qualitative research approaches mentioned in the readings, which three would be most appropriate for an IT problem you are considering for your doctoral research and why? Which would be the least appropriate?

b. What are the disadvantages of the other two approaches to DIT research?

Post a word evaluation of the qualitative approaches you think are most appropriate for DIT research. Explain why these types are most appropriate to researching IT practice.

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Other Subject: Which would be the least appropriate
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