Which work addresses a tension between honor and romance

Assignment task:

When given the following readings/stories; "The Tale of Osiris" (Egyptian Book of the Dead), "Sampson and Delilah", "Death and Odysseus" and "Charon", "The Lion's Share", "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse", "The Devil as a Partner", "Editha", "A Highlander takes three pieces of Advice from an English Farmer", "To Build a fire" and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.

1. Which work addresses a tension between honor and romance as drivers of character? What is the authors view of the romantic or "ideal" vision of life?

2. Which work best demonstrates tension between "landscape" and "inscape"?

3. How does "Death and Odysseus" illustrate "The Great Themes"?

4. Which work best addresses the plot/conflict element identified as "person versus nature/God or fate/chance?

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Reference No:- TGS03402048

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