
Which type of violence discussed in the chapter 11 course

1. Which type of violence discussed in the Chapter 11 course material would you consider the most serious type of violence in a prison environment?

Explain why you think your choice is the most serious type of violence in prison and discuss one "excellent" idea of how we can combat that type of violence in our prison system.

2. "Survival Tips for Beginners"

*Commit an Honorable Crime

*Don't Gamble

*Never Loan Anyone Anything

*Make No Eye Contact

*Pick your Friends Carefully

*Fight and Fight Dirty

*Mind your own Business

*Keep a Good Porn Collection

*Don't Talk to Staff

*Never Snitch

Review the 10 pieces of advice for new inmates listed above and prioritize them from the most imporant piece of advice to YOU as a new inmate to the least important piece of advice to YOU as a new inmate in a Maximum Security correctional environment. Explain why you rank ordered each piece of advice as you did.

The answer to these question must be at least 250 words each. Please cite any outside sources.

Attached are readings from the text book named "American Corrections 11th eidition" to help answer the questions. Edit question's body

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Dissertation: Which type of violence discussed in the chapter 11 course
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