Which type of sampling is used and explain your reasoning


Problems need to include all required steps and answer(s) for full credit. All answers need to be reduced to lowest terms where possible.
Answer the following problems showing your work and explaining (or analyzing) your results. Submit your work in a typed Microsoft Word document.

1. Choose one design method from the list below. Using your example, make a list of 2 or 3 advantages and 2 or 3 disadvantages for using the method.

• Simple random sampling
• Systematic sampling
• Stratified sampling
• Cluster sampling

2. The name of each student in a class is written on a separate card. The cards are placed in a bag. Three names are picked from the bag. Identify which type of sampling is used and why.

3. A phone company obtains an alphabetical list of names of homeowners in a city. They select every 25th person from the list until a sample of 100 is obtained. They then call these 100 people to advertise their services. Does this sampling plan result in a random sample? What type of sample is it? Explain.

4. The manager of a company wants to investigate job satisfaction among its employees. One morning after a meeting, she talks to all 25 employees who attended. Does this sampling plan result in a random sample? What type of sample is it? Explain.

5. An education expert is researching teaching methods and wishes to interview teachers from a particular school district. She randomly selects 10 schools from the district and interviews all of the teachers at the selected schools. Does this sampling plan result in a random sample? What type of sample is it? Explain.

6. Fifty-one sophomore, 42 junior, and 55 senior students are selected from classes with 516, 428, and 551 students respectively. Identify which type of sampling is used and explain your reasoning.

7. You want to investigate the workplace attitudes concerning new policies that were put into effect. You have funding and support to contact at most 100 people. Choose a design method and discuss the following:

a. Describe the sample design method you will use and why.

b. Specify the population and sample group. Will you include everyone who works for the company, certain departments, full or part-time employees, etc.?

c. Discuss the bias, on the part of both the researcher and participants.

A local newspaper wanted to gather information about house sales in the area. It distributed 25,000 electronic surveys to its readers asking questions about house sales in the past 6 months. Of the surveys sent out, 3.2% were returned. The results found that 92% of people did not sell their house in the past 6 months and 85% of people would expect a loss if they sold their house. The writer wants to use these results to conclude that the housing market is declining, and we are headed for a recession.

a. Explain the bias and sampling error in this study.
b. Should the writer conclude that the housing market is declining based upon this data?
c. Why or why not?

A homeowner is getting carpet installed. The installer is charging her for 250 square feet. She thinks this is more than the actual space being carpeted. She asks a second installer to measure the space to confirm her doubt. Write the null hypothesis Ho and the alternative hypothesis Ha.

Drug A is the usual treatment for depression in graduate students. Pfizer has a new drug, Drug B, that it thinks may be more effective. You have been hired to design the test program. As part of your project briefing, you decide to explain the logic of statistical testing to the people who are going to be working for you.

a. Write the research hypothesis and the null hypothesis.
b. Then construct a table like the one below, displaying the outcomes that would constitute Type I and Type II error.
c. Write a paragraph explaining which error would be more severe, and why.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Applied Statistics: Which type of sampling is used and explain your reasoning
Reference No:- TGS02964656

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