
Which two would you prioritize when adopting new technology


You have recently been promoted as the interim CEO or President of the current company you currently work for. Of the following categories, which two would you prioritize when adopting and incorporating new technologies into the company and why? (This site should help with more category specific questions to aid in your process.

a) Ecological
b) Social
c) Moral
d) Aesthetic
e) Practical
f) Ethical
g) Vocational
h) Political

Keep in mind that leadership and employees have a symbiotic relationship that ideally needs to be on the same page in order for organizational growth and prosperity to occur. In reality this is easier said than done, but when you approach it from a leadership perspective, it takes on a whole new meaning.

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Marketing Management: Which two would you prioritize when adopting new technology
Reference No:- TGS03287591

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