
Which times of year had the best air quality


I. Were the results the same for all the locations in your field study, or different? How do the areas you monitored compare in air pollution? Based on your knowledge of the area, give a possible explanation for the differences. Include a table showing the results of your monitoring of local air quality.

II. What differences, if any, did you observe in Air Quality Index and particulate matter concentration from day to day? State a possible explanation. Include a table of Air Quality Index and concentration of particulate matter during the time span of the field study.

III. Graph monthly air quality data for your chosen area over the past six months. Which times of year had the best air quality, and which had the worst? What trends do you see if any? Think of possible reasons for trends or lack of them. What additional data would you want to know in order to determine a more solid explanation?

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Other Subject: Which times of year had the best air quality
Reference No:- TGS03214247

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