
Which thinker is best and specifically identified with idea


Which thinker is best and most specifically identified with the following idea? Between Karl Marx, John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum, James Madison, Gutmann, Thompson, Joseph Raz, Ronald Dworkin, Iris Young.

A. Human rights do not result in true human freedom because rights tend to gratify our needs as private, egoistical beings, not communal ones.

B. Political theory and policy formation should be guided by an understanding of the most important human functions and capabilities, and social and political institutions and should be organized to help humans realize those functions and capabilities.

C. Democracy is not only about competition for power but also about the exchange of political arguments in public on the basis of reciprocity with the attempt not just to advance our interests but to persuade others of the best laws and policies.

D. Because humans differ in their natural talents and opinions, they will find themselves with adverse interests. Political institutions should be organized in such a way that no single majority can form and dominate and oppress other groups of citizens.

E. Society is a cooperative venture for mutual advantage and its basic structure should be organized in a way that is justifiable to all of its members, including the least advantaged.

F. Rights are based on the argument that an aspect of someone's well-being or interest is a sufficient reason for holding some other person(s) to be bound by a duty.

G. Under capitalism, our labor does not truly belong to us, but is expropriated by the capitalist and is thus alienated.

H. The dominant ideas and values of any given time or epoch are the ideas of the ruling class because and they serve to help legitimize and stabilize class relations no less than laws and political power.

I. Human history is the history of successive forms of class domination grounded in distinct forms of property ownership.

J. Democratic (or polyarchic) political systems rely for their success and stability not only on institutional design but on the extent to which democratic norms are accepted as desirable.

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